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Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:17 am
by Art
It's great to hear from you, Peter. Your place has an amazing view. I've told a number of friends about your adventure, a sign of how much I admire what you're up to!

We'll look forward to seeing some photos!


Me alegre recibir tus noticias, Peter. Tu choza tiene una vista impresionante. Les he dicho a varios amigos sobre de tu aventura, ¡una señal de lo mucho que admiro lo que estás haciendo!

¡Esperamos algunas fotos!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:59 pm
by tierradenadie
firts time.... first-times are still happening with 48.... for first time catching water... rain .... drops............ahhh.....liquid gold... beauty.... just rigged some gutter.... and --for now-- a simple bucket

speaking of hightech in the highlands:
Art wrote:
¡Esperamos algunas fotos!

lo haré
tengo que comprar un smartphone de cualquier manera
traté un usb de movistar para conectarme arriba en la choza
pero no hay cobertura

saludos a todos
aaand: i am still so behind with mail/s
so please-- if there is somethinkg urrgent --> call or send text-message

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:35 am
by tierradenadie
tierradenadie wrote:firts time.... first-times are still

last entry covered =first=... first times.

a ver:

when was the last time you got a hair-cut right next to a frolic river while bathing sun?

lets go step by step. respectively lets pedal crank by crank.

mmm - what a day that yesterday.
woke up to teasing sun&shine and decide to dismount the o-beloved mountains up here and to mount the horse to go down to posada [in spitting distance of the o-beloved sea]. its a bit an ugly place but one finds a lot of stuff that one cant dig up down in our valley in cabrales - down in arenas. like dijon mustard and nutritional yeast and coco flakes etc.

its a good bike-ride. up and down for an hour and half - mostly down though -- the real hammer[ing] is the way back up into the mountains. with a rucksack full of goodies. so add on the drag of luxury... like the 11eurohandblender i found in an hardwarestore [works just fine with the solar-kit up here - if you live of the grid you have to rethinkg basics -- menos mal].

aaaanyhow - right now its still a chilling ride [after a quick steep descent from the village comes a stretched climb up to canales and from ortigeru on its mostly down in a narrow gorge [still trenched in sweat from the climb] with no sun whatsoever hitting/licking in the early morning-hours and the cold wind [not just] in the face.

finally in posada then > first through town - starting from the other end - with arbol-supermarket. here i get the yeast and mustard. i am loading up - 5 each [ i will curse later climbing back up to los picos].

around the corner en la plaza i visit as usually angel in his pienso-andwhatnut-store. nice guy. good talking even tho my spanish still sucks. some other folks in the store too.... turns out one of them workedived [wellaugh... typo... worked/lived... but woredived might work too] in australia... so we switch to english... another woman walks in.... hears us chat in english and chimes in.

ok- lets do some =business= too: i get an organge-tree and a lemon-tree and a manadrine-tree... also ordered a bunch of [fruit]berry-shrubs -- all of which a friend will drop off up here in the village the next time he drives to posada and swings by here anyhow. also got more seeds. for food and beauty [well- yes-- food is beauty too]. dahlia; gerbera; margarita; mentha; col bruselas; pimenton rojo; espinaca; siempreviva; escarola. oh- almost forgot. yes some cayenne-pepper too [stuff i found in nyc about everwhere... here... another ballgame]

then hardwarestore [first] on other side of plaza.... i am good... i walk out with only a small garden-tool and a peeler for 60 cents.

on to alimerka - just on the other side of ASA; my favorite [the cooperation]. in alimerka i get the coco flakes and pimenton dulce and some treat for a neighbor who has birthday [cant find smoked fish... bummer... well cant have it all mister]

then asa. i just love all that farmers-stuff. too me [still] another world[ballgame?]... so i walk out with ony 3 pairs of socks; a strainer and some gang-outlet.

last stop. second hardwarestore even tho i am really already packed! ah -- look -- they have a little handblender; that kind of gadget i have been looking for for a while. cant say no. also some low-consumption bulb... and ... yes!... a broom almost without plasticparts.

ok- here comes the beauty. starting the return to cabrales. by now - almost noon - its warm- almost hot. so right outside posada i pull over to strip clothes.

on on
i am riding i am riding

wow - nice day
wow - too much weight

right outside mere [where the first real climb kicks in] i pass by that house with its charming garden again - passed by many times before. always wanted to stop by and see who lives there. today i actually see an older guy in the garden - but i cant break now. am invited to lunch in berodia at 2 - and still have solid cranking ahead. so on it goes. up up up. refilling the waterbottle right along the road... splendid h-2-o gushing down from the rocks.

finally up in canales again. from here =just= left down to el cruce outside carrena and then climbing back up to the village - the steepest climb of all at the end - of course.

here in canales i suddenly have the sensation of being a bit =naked=... feeling somethinkg missing.... oh fuck- yes-- the glasses are not on the nose. daaamn.......... i must have left them right outside posada when i changed clothes.

now what? turning around right now [and saving a lot of extra biking?]? no- cant. cant call those folks who invited me for lunch. so i decide to go up to the village... have a bite... and hopp back on the horse

for a second time today to posada


[ps - am starving... left this morning without breakfast... no food since]

in the village i am having a plate of noodle-soup; a plate of peas with beans and potatoes... and a tiny bit of homemade flan for dessert [mmm]... and off again.

biking biking biking
this is madness

guess what
finding the glasses right outside posada... stitting on that stonewall in the sun... sparkling... like they are saying: here we are... we had a nice siesta... lets go old man

and the old man cranks it

mmmmight have lost you already
but the kicker is still to come

i pass through mere... and heading towards that fix-upped molino i mentioned earlier - just a bit before that monsterous cantera. this time i will knock. and look.. right there in that lovely garden - that sea of flowers right next to that river.... a woman... looks like.... yes:.... she is cutting the hair of this man i saw there this morning. i address them in spanish; but they look not like locals. turns out a british couple who found that sweet spot about 20 years ago. they invite me in. the guy -terry- is having a beer while the lady -ann- keeps chopping away. we are basking in the sun; the river a few arm-lenghts away provides the music.

much to talk about. nice people. we bounce a bit around. talking a bit how i got to asturias. how they. what we doing. life here. food. folks.... terry is done with his cut- and asks me: you want one too? hellheaven.... yes.. i need one. ann doesnt mind at all - so now its my turn in the barberschair. chopchop. terry brings coffee. we keep talking. sweet. how sweet.

hair done. cant see it. and couldnt care less. feels good. they invite me inside; show me around in their house/mill. fine job. feels good that place. and- for the first time in a while: a book-shelve.... books! godog- i miss them -- whoofwhoof. [hey paul- if you listen... i havent forgotten... the note you left when you came to up to berodia..... -- saying: hey where are the books?? your place is missing books! --- so true. but i have the feeling they will come.... they will find me again].

its getting late. its comfy here in their house. but have to make that ride back to cabrales. ann gives me a jar on homemade jam [for on the way?].... what a treat. talking with nice folks; sitting in the sun getting a haircut... some jam..... hey guys... will be back. or you come up to berodia whenever. we exchange numbers/emails.

dont know about you but..... losing glasses looks good to me!

i make it back up to the village. from the other side of the valley looking back on the road up to canales i climbed twice today. looking back on a good day.... a good day..... looking forward to have a nice big meal. looking forward to hook up with terry and ann again.

that said- hoping some of you folks from the forum come [back] this year to visit... or i will drop my lense near you


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:25 pm
by Terechu
We are certainly going to see you and hope you come down to the coast and see us.
I loved the account of days and bike ride down to Posada. Posada is like the Fifth Avenue of hardware stores! I love them, too, you can buy anything from an oil decanter to a rotary cutter (patchwork quilters know what I mean), from a wire fence to a camping chair.

So the pretty mill of Meré is owned by an English couple? Did you know the quarry is owned by the brother of Llanes's mayoress? And that all the red stone flags in old farm houses and pavements are from that quarry, including the pink basilica of Covadonga? :)


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:07 am
by Art
My goodness, Peter, you're in good shape! And clearly having a blast! Thanks for the stories. Yep, I read the whole thing!


¡Dios mío, Peter, estás en buena forma! ¡Y es obvio que estás viviendo plenamente! Gracias por las historias. ¡Sí, he leído todo!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:53 am
by tierradenadie
hi all

just a quick fly-by to let you know:
we got internet now up in la choza as of last night
and check out

... will post soon
after days of screwing around with all un/kind of hardwares and configuration of the system i guess i will go to semuñon - el puerto- today

... miss you all
please come and visit whenever


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:05 pm
by Terechu
Welcome back, Pit! We'll be in touch, nice to hear you are all connected now in the cabin.

Hugs back to you

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:39 am
by Art
It's great that you're online now -- and a little surprising that it's possible. Is this some sort of longer distance wireless network of nodes? Does one node have to be connected to a wired network or a satellite network?

I really wish I could visit soon, but s school is going to be intense. I've been thinking about possibly visiting next summer. We'll see!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:17 pm
by tierradenadie
Terechu wrote:....all connected now in the cabin.
hey tere
very good to hear from you. time to hook up soon again... latest next time when i am heading for the airport [likely soon/ish]... or earlier @ the sea? [the friend of a friend invited me to check out her place in piñeres. her name is maite and she works in los picos. you know her?]
we had initial kinks with the feed for our guifi-system. they installed a new land-line and it never worked well. so four times came some techie... and each time insisted it works... and each time it doesnt.... ahhhh... spain.... dont you love it. a bit 3rd-worldishnessmess adds to the charm.
no the line seems okish. we will see.
oh- btw-- some related stuff to check out ... -cabrales/

the last pix on that page is the view from up in la finca where i got the base-camp. taking about basecamping.... much going on.... working on a bodega... also drafting a guest-space up in the attic.

spending a lot time up in semuñon - el puerto de berodia. estoy arregando =hou constante= the cabaña i got... a really old charming banger

am pottering around in the =garden= down here in dem kaff... but la finca is a bit neglected.... too much yodelling up there.

hey- you or anybody else here uses skype? my ID is =pitkrauss=

what else?

ah- lets just hook up in flesh... so much better than those digits [even tho - trust me- i take them... esp after two years =offline=]

big kiss and hug

call/come whenever


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:29 pm
by tierradenadie
Art wrote:...Is this some sort of longer distance wireless network of nodes? Does one node have to be connected to a wired network or a satellite network?
art- hey.. whats up over there? [btw- just heard from another friend who is leaving nyc [[hi paul!]] after.... ogod.... aaages.... he is heading for conneticut --- soon just a few friends will stay put in the big apple]
did you go to .... impressive what they are doing [esp down south].... it works with antennas.... powerful stuff.... we got some internal net too... for sharing movies/music/any-kinda-file... which still works when the internet is down]
the idea is to connect all the vilages/refugios/ect in cabrales.... the idea got born when i was sitting up in tebrandi/cuera with yuso and victor and we talked about connecting a house in berodia with the base-camp here and then carry the connex up to yusos. then we came across guifi. we did the prep... asiego came onboard.... some lady from barcelona from the guifi-tribe came up for a week... and we banged it all out.
will keep you posted.

Art wrote: I really wish I could visit soon, but s school is going to be intense. I've been thinking about possibly visiting next summer. We'll see!
come whenever
mi casa es tu casa
by next spring i should have xtra space here set up
and you can always hang out up in e puerto
did knock out a stone of the 80cm walls and now you can see the see from lying in =bed=.... well bed is a great word for it.... but you will sleep like an angel up there... magic place]
looking fwd to your coming
lets maybe cruise about a few days together next time you come
we can go and visit all the gooks that i get to know litte by little


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:21 am
by tierradenadie
bloody landmarks: ... 21028.html

this just happened in our neighbor-village

i know him
he is a nice guy
loves gardening
and walks around a ton

... well... now he walks to sing-sing
... what a whacked story

but it shows you whats seething below that small-village=idylle=

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:42 pm
by Art
Wow, that murder story reminds me of the movie, "La Vida Que Te Espera". It's about the Pasiegos and well worth watching.

It's sad.


Vaya, esa historia de homicidio me recuerda de la película, "La Vida Que Te Espera". Es relacionada con los pasiegos y vale a pena ver.

Qué triste.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:46 pm
by tierradenadie
Art wrote:... y vale a pena ver.

Qué triste.

got some plants from him here in =la sierra=
walking by the every day severa times
he brought us cuttings last fall
growing like crazy... nice flowers too
ran into him not so long ago while getting water from the spring
he was designing the garden of barbara
we talked but he was eager to get back to work
didnt want his =boss= see him ideling - it seemed
he said he comes by with more plants soon
his aunt told me not so long ago: =he spends too much money on all those flowers...=

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:06 pm
by gabolom
Que tal Peter:
Le saludo y espero quiera compartir con un servidor sus experiencias en la mudanza a Asturias (si es que se logró), en lo personal estoy planeando algo similar. México se torna a demasiado violento.
En espera de sus comentarios, reciba un abrazo y...