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registro cementerios
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:39 am
by yoly
¿Sabeis donde si se pueden mirar algún registro de los cementerios de N.Y? Por mediación de un primo me enteré que mi bisabuelo murió allí así que estara enterrado en N.Y.
Trans. Is
Does anyone know how to research the information at cemeteries in New York? A cousin of mine told me that m great-grandfather died there, so I'm supposing he's buried in New York.
Re: registro cementerios
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:38 pm
by is
yoly wrote:¿Sabeis donde si se pueden mirar algún registro de los cementerios de N.Y? Por mediación de un primo me enteré que mi bisabuelo murió allí así que estara enterrado en N.Y.
Trans. Is
Does anyone know how to research the information at cemeteries in New York? A cousin of mine told me that m great-grandfather died there, so I'm supposing he's buried in New York.
Yoly, ties que decinos si tas falando del estau de Nueva York ou de la ciuda. Porque Nueva York ia un estau abondo grande, ya la ciuda tamen. Cuanto mas detalles, meyor pa poder echate un gabitu.
Yoly, you need to tell us whether you're referring to New York state or to New York City. The state is fairly large and so is the city. If you provide more details someone is bound to be able to help.
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:43 pm
by yoly
Pues no se si es la ciudad o el estado. Lo siento pero no tenemos mucha información de mi bisabuelo. Solo que se fué y murió allí.
Mira que siempre tenia ganas de ir a Ny....ahora se por que jaja y tendré que ir. Gracias por contestar
Trans. Is
Well, I'm not sure if it's the city or the state. I'm sorry, but we just don't have much information about my great-grandfather. All I know is that he left and later died there.
I've always wanted to travel to New I know why. I guess I'll have to go now. Thank you for answering.
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:57 pm
by Bob
As far as I know, to get the cemetery records you would have to write to the individual cemetery. You can ask for death records, but New York is rather restrictive in releasing them, as least certified copies, unless you are a close relative. See
I dont know how far back in time the centralized records go.
Trans. Is
Paezme que pa obtener la informacion de los cimenterios, vas tener que manda-yos una solicitud. Pues entruga-yos polos certificaos de muerte, pero l'estau de Nueva York ye bastante celosu y nun-y gusta soltar esi tipu d'informacion, a non ser que seas una allegada d'el. Echa un gueyu a esti enllaz:
Tampoco nun toi seguru de l'antigueda de los datos que taran centralizaos ehi.
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:34 am
by yoly
Gracies bob