Search found 120 matches

by Llames
Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:35 am
Forum: Identity, Nation, Return - Identidad, país, vuelta
Topic: Asturianos en El Reino Unido
Replies: 2
Views: 12167

Hai una asociación en Londres: Aslon ... 1661&vap=0
by Llames
Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:54 pm
Forum: Asturian & Bable - Asturianu y bables
Topic: Iniciativa pol Asturianu - Initiative for Asturian
Replies: 9
Views: 12016

Ambassador of the Asturian language

I am the secretary of of the Asturian association Initiative for Asturian. I am also at your disposal to answer those questions you have. As Art said, Iniciativa for Asturian is a nonpartisan association to the extent that their laws prohibit to join the Direction to anyone with a political office (...
by Llames
Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:47 pm
Forum: Asturian & Bable - Asturianu y bables
Topic: Iniciativa pol Asturianu - Initiative for Asturian
Replies: 9
Views: 12016

Embajador del Asturiano

Yo, Rubén Llames, soy el secretario de Iniciativa pol Asturianu. Estoy también a vuestra disposición para responder a aquellas cuestiones que tengáis. Respecto a lo que decía Art, IPA es una asociación apartidista hasta el punto de que sus Estatutos prohiben formar parte de la Junta Directiva a cual...
by Llames
Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:43 pm
Forum: Asturian & Bable - Asturianu y bables
Topic: Iniciativa pol Asturianu - Initiative for Asturian
Replies: 9
Views: 12016

Ambassador of the Asturian language

Yo, Rubén Llames, soi secretariu d'Iniciativa pol Asturianu. Toi tamién a la vuesa disposición pa respuender a les cuestiones que tengais a bien comentar. Respeutu a lo que dicía Art, ye una asociación apartidista tal puntu que los sos Estatutos prohiben formar parte de la Xunta Direutiva a cualquie...
by Llames
Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:00 pm
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Asturias/America: Mentalities - mentalidades
Replies: 11
Views: 21593

Berodia, manín, que más quisiera yo....encima tengo esti apelliu tan asturtzale y vieronme vestíu d'asturianu....doi gracies por que nun me faigan arder na foguera :lol: Voi facete casu: Regálase Plan pa desendolcar Asturies ya fechu y muy poco utilizau (sólo se sacó 10 vegaes de la su funda), vamos...
by Llames
Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:30 am
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Asturias/America: Mentalities - mentalidades
Replies: 11
Views: 21593

I agree with you, Is. The mentality in recent years has encouraged the patronage network of which we speak and is destroying the country. Fortunately I can not vote in Asturies because I live in another Spanish region, If not my decision would be something hard ... Now the PP, even some nationalists...
by Llames
Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:03 am
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Asturias/America: Mentalities - mentalidades
Replies: 11
Views: 21593

Conclusion: In April, 3 city councils of the Basque Country came together to fund a contract to make a Geopark's draft. The budget is 60.000 euros only for the field work and initial drafting. In June, The Extremadura Government(a spanish region in the border with Portugal) contracted a company to m...
by Llames
Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:45 am
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Asturias/America: Mentalities - mentalidades
Replies: 11
Views: 21593

My personal fight with Asturian mentality: I left Asturies in 2000 for laboral reasons. In 2007 a friend of mine, an asturian geologist who lives and work in Madrid, called me to join a new project. He wanted to install a Geopark in the oriental coast of Asturies . A Geopark is defined by the United...
by Llames
Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:14 am
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Asturias/America: Mentalities - mentalidades
Replies: 11
Views: 21593

Interesting topic, Art My opinion: I think that asturian mentality is a product of what Asturies lived in the past 60 years. A land almost living of a monoculture of the great steel industry built by the Spanish State, ENSIDESA-ARCELOR-ACERALIA . Also its derivatives, such as the coal needed for its...
by Llames
Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:32 am
Forum: Music - Música
Topic: Festival Interceltique (2009), An Oriant / Lorient
Replies: 9
Views: 22252

I see what you mean about a second league of countries that are considered culturally Celtic. That means Galicia and Asturias, of course. I noticed those flags you mentioned, some including Galicia and Asturias, and others excluding them. It has to do with the speakers of Celtic languages. Both Gal...
by Llames
Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:23 am
Forum: Music - Música
Topic: Festival Interceltique (2009), An Oriant / Lorient
Replies: 9
Views: 22252

Una pena sí, escaecí que agora vives en París y que tas bien ceo. Yo tuve na Carpa d'Asturies tolos díes "esfrutando" con l'Elvis Astur. Lo bien que nos habría venío a los periodistes (d'Asturies sólo fueron 2, ún de La Nueva España de Avilés que ...
by Llames
Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:32 pm
Forum: Music - Música
Topic: Festival Interceltique (2009), An Oriant / Lorient
Replies: 9
Views: 22252

Coime, Is, que pena nun saber que tabes per ehí. Yo tamién tuve cola Delegacion asturiana faciendo un blog con toles actuaciones. Equí podéis atopar too la información sobre'l tema n'inglés, castellán, asturianu y francés. What a pitty, Is, I didn't know you also where in L...
by Llames
Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:31 am
Forum: Review/Recommendation - Crítica/recomendación
Topic: Atlantica XXII (bi-monthly magazine)
Replies: 19
Views: 35038

Home, un urbanista-xefe del Ayuntamientu de Xixón que merque y venda tierres nel mesmu conceyu faciendo un negociu de la mi madre...nun creo que esto seya especulación, de xuru que los tribunales y dan otru nome. Lo de que nun tuviera ya nel Ayuntamientu cuando fizo lo que fizo tampoco me diz ná. L'...
by Llames
Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:08 am
Forum: Music - Música
Topic: gaiteiros en Manila? bagpipers in Manila?
Replies: 8
Views: 20726

Carlos ... Is the one with the workshop in Cimavilla? We, The Asturian Center of Mallorca, were talking with him to buy 4 bagpipes (we have to wait 6 or 7 months for each) because we want to start a bagpipe's class for beginners. He told us about another possibility (each bagpipe cost 800 euros). A ...
by Llames
Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:51 pm
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Spain's recession (2009) in FT
Replies: 10
Views: 21577

Equí tienes los datos del mes de marzu, Ayalgueru.

Cifra total de paraos: 74.381
Variación mensual absoluta +823
Variación mensual relativa +1,12
Variación anual absoluta +21.907
Variación anual relativa +41,75

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