Search found 1535 matches

by Terechu
Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:10 pm
Forum: Genealogy - Genealogía
Topic: Grandfather's parents-Isidoro/Ysidro Costales (Gijón)
Replies: 19
Views: 23167


Hers was the first name I saw on that wonderful list of siblings. I'm not sure they're going to have her digitalized, but you can try online, a the Ministry of Justice, in Madrid, If they ask anythingmore than name and birthdate plus names of parents, which you have, then you will have no choice but...
by Terechu
Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:24 pm
Forum: Asturian word of the week - Pallabra selmanal n'asturianu
Topic: part of an horru (hórreo)
Replies: 2
Views: 31979

part of an horru (hórreo)

TORNARRATOS, sub., sing.,masc. Me encontré hoy con esta palabra que designa un ingenio constructivo del horreo, y que sin el los ratones te abrasan las cosechas que tengas dentro*** Mouse turnabout, Mouse Fender, Mouse Returner. It's a very simple yet well thought out construction refinement of the ...
by Terechu
Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:30 pm
Forum: Asturian Hall of Fame - Sala de fama asturiana
Topic: Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
Replies: 2
Views: 8524

He deserves that prize more than anybody I can think of. The Puerto Rican operation he paid for out of his own pocket, he fed around 3.000.000 people with his own money, because Trump refuused all help, not evem water did he get them. Good thing that people loke José RamónAndrés exist.
by Terechu
Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:15 pm
Forum: Asturian word of the week - Pallabra selmanal n'asturianu
Replies: 4
Views: 12814

We call the regular blackbirds ñarvatu. Black feathers, yelow peak. they are everuwhere in Summer.
by Terechu
Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:45 pm
Forum: Literature - Literatura
Topic: Un versu sobre Llanes na jabla d'Onís
Replies: 1
Views: 10999

Prestóme muncho el poema o les coples en dialecto de Onís. Prestóme más tovíasaber que antes tovía había homes que se enamoraben 3 veces en el trayecto de Meré a Posada. Nel coche de los Moranes baxaba yo del Cerezu, cuando muntó allá en Meré una mocina del Cuetu, que el vela, de guapa que era, casi...
by Terechu
Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:16 pm
Forum: Asturian & Bable - Asturianu y bables
Topic: Cabrales, Carbes, Cáraves
Replies: 1
Views: 7613

Hola Ramón y otras hierbas, Ya sabes que valoro mucho tu trabajo y siempre te empondero mucho. Pero hoy me parece que no estoy de acuerdo con los orígenes de la toponimia. Así por alto se me ocurren todos estos que empiezan por Car- y no me parece que tengan nada que ver: Caravia Carrio (Laviana) Ca...
by Terechu
Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:50 pm
Forum: Asturian word of the week - Pallabra selmanal n'asturianu
Replies: 5
Views: 16346

Pues yo no séde quen zona será pubisa, pero la"ceniza" de un pitu llámase povisa,aquí y en Pénjamo. mi padre era de Ribadesella y decia povisa, mi güelu de Sotrondio también. A partir de los años 70 empecé a oir ceniza, que me parecía fatal, porque ceniza era lo que mi güela sacaba de la c...
by Terechu
Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:09 pm
Forum: Genealogy - Genealogía
Topic: Jose Cofiño Somoano
Replies: 7
Views: 6367

Libros parroquiales antiguos

A mi me ayudó una miembro de este foro a encontrar mis antepasados de Lué (desde el primer libro de registro de la parroquia de S.Vicente de Lué y Sales). 9 generaciones, de las que no teníamos mucha idea! Y de paso me enteré de otros apellidos raros y estupendos (de Candosa, Carrandi, Fonticiella, ...
by Terechu
Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:24 am
Forum: Genealogy - Genealogía
Topic: Jose Cofiño Somoano
Replies: 7
Views: 6367

Cómo se sabe cuándo un apellido surge en un concejo?

Hay manera de averiguararlo sistematicamente?? Yo recientemente y gracias a unas escritura antiguas (temas de herencias) me enteré de cuando los Rondo de mi rama se pasaron de Colunga a Ribadesella. Pero fue por pura casualidad.
by Terechu
Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:59 pm
Forum: Genealogy - Genealogía
Topic: Jose Cofiño Somoano
Replies: 7
Views: 6367

A mi me parece una información muy buena. Cofiño es obviamente del pueblo del mismo nombre que está a media ladera sur del Sueve,concejo de Parres (capital Arriondas). Somoano puede ser de Ribadesella, porque el monte que cierra la bahía de esta villa, con el faro en la cumbre, se llama Monte Somo. ...
by Terechu
Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:16 pm
Forum: The Future of Asturias - El futuro de Asturias
Topic: Elecciones a Cortes Gen. 28/4/2019 Elections for the Cortes
Replies: 2
Views: 9052

1) The most important issues in my circle of friends are the air pollution, the aging of the population, the fact that everyone we know is sick or has a health problem (we can never be thankful enough to live in a country with free medical care). 2) The main candidates are known and none of them can...
by Terechu
Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:36 pm
Forum: About Asturias - Sobre Asturies
Topic: Counting Asturian Cousins
Replies: 23
Views: 29063

I have changed the names of peole who are still living and the pictures posted are mine and the originals in my possession.
by Terechu
Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:06 pm
Forum: About Asturias - Sobre Asturies
Topic: Counting Asturian Cousins
Replies: 23
Views: 29063

Counting cousins..

The Story of Balbina García, our Common Ancestor Most people are astounded when they hear about how my husband I. Martín and I met in 1984-1985 and the circumstances that lead up to this meeting. I returned to Asturias in 1982 after a seven-year- marriage turned sour in the USA. My father had died ...
by Terechu
Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:14 am
Forum: About Asturias - Sobre Asturies
Topic: Counting Asturian Cousins
Replies: 23
Views: 29063

I'll publish it right here and add a few photos. I just haven't have much time.
by Terechu
Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:45 pm
Forum: About Asturias - Sobre Asturies
Topic: Counting Asturian Cousins
Replies: 23
Views: 29063

Sorry, I deleted my post, because i t was not structured right to the topic of billions of ancestors. I'll try again tomorrow.

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