entamar – to start – empezar

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entamar – to start – empezar

Post by is »

entamar: pronounced en-tah-MAHR. To begin, commence, initiate, start. To proceed to perform the first or earlier part of an action or task. To come into existence, arise, originate. In Central Asturian, 'entamar' may also denote to interrupt someone.
Synonyms at: emprincipiar, empecipiar, escomencipiar.
Not to be confused with 'entainar': to hurry up, to get ready, to prepare for something, to set off, to quicken one’s pace.
Similar to French 'entamer': Il faut entamer à voir les choses aux Asturies avec rigueur. (We should begin to see things in Asturias dispassionately.)

Usage examples:
Entamar la manteiga (to beat the cream in order to make butter)
Entamou a falar inglés de rapacina. (She started speaking English as a child.)
La mio güela entamó a arroxar el fornu de la que nos viera baxar. (My grandmother started to fire the oven when she saw us come down.)
Esi vezu entamara nos anos de la guerra carlista. (That tradition started in the years of the Carlist war.)
L’alcalde dixera que diba entamar alquitranar el carreiro dica Ponte Nova. (The mayor said he would begin paving the road to Ponte Nova.)
Vamos dir entamala güei pula nueite a Cangas! (We’re going to have a blast tonight in Cangas!)
Nun veas la qu’entamaron! (You won’t believe the hell they raised. 'entamala'=armar xareu, to raise hell)
Entamoula bona col tou fíu. (He really started venting on your son.)
Nun m’entames mientres charro, Nolo! (Nolo, don’t interrupt me while I’m speaking!)
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