Hola a todos y en especial a los que conozco.
Despues de pasar un otono y parte del invierno con poca actividad en cuanto a eventos, llego ahora de ponerse en marcha para esta primavera-verano.
Esta primavera "Asturies Celtic Society" participara por primera vez en el desfile de San Patricio en Washington DC. El 16 de marzo a las 12 del medio dia. Como en eventos anteriores me gustaria reunir a las mas personas posibles. Por primera vez tambien desfilara la pancarta de "Asturies Celtic Society" por las calles de Washington. Lo ideal sería que quien tenga "traxe del pais" tu ponga y si no pues como sea.
Para informacion del desfile: http://www.dcstpatsparade.com/
Y para contactar conmigo lo mejor es a traves de esta via.
Probablemente desfilaremos también en el mismo evento en Alexandria Virginia, en el caso que no coincidan las fechas.
Mas a delante tendremos los festivales anuales como el de Southern Maryland, Frederick y Leesburg.
Saludos astures y feliz 2008!
trans. Art
Title: Asturies Celtic Society marches in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in Washington, DC
Hello to all and especially to those I know.
After spending the fall now part of the winter with very little activity as far as events, I'm back now to get things started up for this spring and summer.
This spring "Asturies Celtic Society" will participate for the first time in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in Washington, DC, on the 16th of March at noon. As in previous events, I would like to put together the largest possible group of people. Also, the banner of the "Asturies Celtic Society" will parade through the streets of Washington for the first time. It would be ideal if participants who have an Asturian outfit were to wear it, but if you don't have one, then that's fine, too.
For more information about the parade: http://www.dcstpatsparade.com/
And to contact me, the best thing it is do so through this forum.
We will probably march in the same event [St. Patrick's Day Parade] in Alexandria, Virginia, if it doesn't occur on the same date.
Later on we will participate in the annual festivals like the ones in Southern Maryland, Frederick and Leesburg.
Greetings to all you Asturians, and a happy 2008!
Asturies Celtic Society desfila en San Patricio en Wash. DC
Moderator: Moderators
esi pote!
Fonsu, hai tiempu que l.levamos falando de faer un putaxe de berzas con Carola. Xa tengo les fabes qu'encargara atravies de La Tienda (gracies, Bob) ya Carola tien chourizos que-y trouxeran de Quiros. Asina que a ver si ties tiempu esti vienres (selmana del 21 de xineiru) pa un pote. Tamen dime si ties sitiu tu en casa que tanto Carola como you tamos igual (housemates). Tamen queriamos invitar a Art, asina que sedriamos 4 ou mas, nun sei. Ah, tengo gaita feita por Carlos (d'esti foru)...de la musica encargome you!
Una vez mas, quisiera recordar y tambien animar a quien quiera participar en el desfile de San Patricio en Washington DC representando a Asturias.
Es el 16 de marzo a las 12 del medio dia y comienza en la calle 7 para terminar en la 17 y atravesando la avenida Constitution.
Es la primera vez que ocurre y esperemos que no sea la ultima.
Sobra decir que si alguien tiene alguna pieza como madrenas, montera... o "traxe rexonal" pues seria ideal. (nun acudaes con traxes de llunares o otros arvios de flamenco, eso dexailo pal dia de la feria de Sevilla)
Tambien recuerdo que estaremos presentes en el "Southern Maryland Celtic Festival" es aqui donde por primera vez participamos el anio pasado y hemos llevado el premio a la mejor representacion. Una vez mas, gracias Art, Natalia y Paul. Por cierto, al ser los ganadores el anio pasado, la norma del Festival dice que seremos los jueces este anio. Osea que tendremos la responsabilidad de decidir a quien se le da el premio este anio.
Como veis va a estar interesante. Para mas informacion aqui paso los links de estos eventos:
Saludinos Astures
trans. Art
Once again, let me remind you -- and also encourage anyone who wants to participate -- about the St. Patrick's parade in Washington, DC, in which we'll be representing Asturias.
The parade is March 16 at 12 noon. It begins on 7th Street and finishes at the intersection of 17th and Constitution Avenue.
This is the first time that this has happened and hopefully will not be the last.
Needless to say, if anyone has any costume parts such as madrenas, monteras ... o a "traxe rexonal" (regional costume), that would be ideal. (But please don't show up wearing "traxes de llunares" (costumes with polka dots) or other flamenco clothes. We'll leave that for the day of la feria de Sevilla (the Festival of Sevilla).
I also want to remind you that we will be present at the Southern Maryland Celtic Festival where we participated for the first time last year and we received the award for best representation of a clan. Once again, thanks Art, Natalia and Paul. Indeed, having been the winners last year, the rules says that the we'll be the judges this year, which means that we will have the responsibility of deciding who will be given the award this year.
As you see, it's going to be interesting. For more information take a look at these links about these events:
Greetings to all Asturians!
Una vez mas, quisiera recordar y tambien animar a quien quiera participar en el desfile de San Patricio en Washington DC representando a Asturias.
Es el 16 de marzo a las 12 del medio dia y comienza en la calle 7 para terminar en la 17 y atravesando la avenida Constitution.
Es la primera vez que ocurre y esperemos que no sea la ultima.
Sobra decir que si alguien tiene alguna pieza como madrenas, montera... o "traxe rexonal" pues seria ideal. (nun acudaes con traxes de llunares o otros arvios de flamenco, eso dexailo pal dia de la feria de Sevilla)
Tambien recuerdo que estaremos presentes en el "Southern Maryland Celtic Festival" es aqui donde por primera vez participamos el anio pasado y hemos llevado el premio a la mejor representacion. Una vez mas, gracias Art, Natalia y Paul. Por cierto, al ser los ganadores el anio pasado, la norma del Festival dice que seremos los jueces este anio. Osea que tendremos la responsabilidad de decidir a quien se le da el premio este anio.
Como veis va a estar interesante. Para mas informacion aqui paso los links de estos eventos:
Saludinos Astures
trans. Art
Once again, let me remind you -- and also encourage anyone who wants to participate -- about the St. Patrick's parade in Washington, DC, in which we'll be representing Asturias.
The parade is March 16 at 12 noon. It begins on 7th Street and finishes at the intersection of 17th and Constitution Avenue.
This is the first time that this has happened and hopefully will not be the last.
Needless to say, if anyone has any costume parts such as madrenas, monteras ... o a "traxe rexonal" (regional costume), that would be ideal. (But please don't show up wearing "traxes de llunares" (costumes with polka dots) or other flamenco clothes. We'll leave that for the day of la feria de Sevilla (the Festival of Sevilla).
I also want to remind you that we will be present at the Southern Maryland Celtic Festival where we participated for the first time last year and we received the award for best representation of a clan. Once again, thanks Art, Natalia and Paul. Indeed, having been the winners last year, the rules says that the we'll be the judges this year, which means that we will have the responsibility of deciding who will be given the award this year.
As you see, it's going to be interesting. For more information take a look at these links about these events:
Greetings to all Asturians!
Fonsu, you nun vou tar en Washington pa la selmana de St Patricks, cumu te dixera. Pero vou encamenta-y a Carola a ver si tien interes. Art igual pue tocar la gaita xunto a ti pal pasucais, pero faltate dexuro mas xente pa l.levar la pancarta. Igual nun sedria mala idega axuntanos nel 4 Provinces una nueite p'afalalo conos demas?
Pa lo de Frederick ya demas, si que pues cuntar conmigo.
Pa lo de Frederick ya demas, si que pues cuntar conmigo.