Seeking story on Fernandez Menendez family

Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America

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Seeking story on Fernandez Menendez family

Post by lgarcia »

My name is Linda Garcia, and I grew-up in Clarksburg, West Virginia. I am writing the story of my family's immigration from Asturias to Spelter and Anmoore. Currently, I reside in Gainesville, Florida. I have much of my Fernandez genealogy so if any one recognizes these names and knows any of the story, I'd be most appreciative if you'd contact me:

I'm going to start with my father (born in Anmoore and attended Grasselli Elementary) - and work back to Asturian roots.

My father:
Richard Timothy Garcia (commonly called "Dickie" as a child), born July 6, 1937 in Anmoore, West Virginia. Eventually built home as an adult on Philippi Pike in Broadway.

Richard Timothy Garcia had two brothers also born in Anmoore : Carl David Garcia born August 31, 1945 and currently resides in Bridgeport, WV AND Paul Edward Garcia born February 19, 1942. Sadly, Paul died at age 22 durng the year 1964 while training at Fort Knox.

Father of these three men: Celestino Fernandez. born in Las Barzenas Spain on Jan. 1, 1907 but never lived there (according to letter from him to US Immigration on 4-15-1937.) Celestino later took the name Tim Fernandez Garcia. He lived a major portion of his life in Anmoore - at a property now owned by Joe Fanjul (sp?). Tim worked almost his entire life at Hazel Atlas and retired in the early 1960's. Around 1964, he built a home next to my father's (Richard T Garcia) on Philippi Pike. Tim Fernandez Garcia died of a heart attack on January 14, 1977. Tim's wife was Wilma Craig of Meadowbrook...oldest daughter of Jessie Craig. Wilma is still alive but suffering from severe dementia.

Celestino's brother, Tomas Fernandez, was born June 13, 1902 in Gijon. While in the United States, he took the name of Tomas Fernandez Carter. He lived in either Spelter or Anmoore for awhile but most of his adult life was spent in Michigan. His wife was Sarah Inez Hamric. Tomas died May 28, 1964 in Michigan. His three children were: Thomas Wendell Carter - born 1926, physician in California and now deceased; Thelma Jean Carter, born 1928, now deceased; and Virginia Sue Carter Rowland, born August 28, 1935 and married to James Rowland.

Celestino and Tomas' parents are:
Ulpiano Fernandez Menendez, born April 1, 1878 in Pillarno and deceased April 19, 1958 in Anmoore, WV. His wife was Virginia Garcia born in Barzanes Spain, 3/1/1884. Virginia died in Anmoore on August 14, 1943. The date of their departure from Asturia is unknown but after departing, they spent some time with relatives in Cuba. The family (Ulpiano Fernandez Menendez, Virginia Garcia, Celestino Fernandez Menedez and Manuel Fernandez Menendez) departed Cuba on the Sarataga on June 12, 1915 and arrived on Ellis Island on June 15, 1915.

Parents of Manuel Fernandez Menendez and Fernandez Menendez were Bernardo Fernandez Menendez, born 1853 and married to Cecilia Menendez Garcia, born 1838.

After arriving on Ellis Island, the Ulpiano Fernandez Menendez family made their way to Zeising. I have an original letter written by a supervisor of Grasselli Chemical recommending my great-grandfather, Ulpiano Fernandez, for any future job. The letter indicated his job was eliminated due to the company ceasing operations. The timing of the letter was just as the Depression began.

If you refer to the information at the top of this post, my father is Richard T. Garcia (known as Dick.) He's age 70 now. I am his middle child- born March 20, 1960 - and the only daughter. My brothers are Richard T. Garcia, Jr., known as Tim Garcia (born Jan. 14, 1958, currently lives in Clarksburg and works for Eli Lilly Company) and Craig E. Garcia (born Jan. 8, 1965 in Clarksburg and now lives in Houston, TX). We lived on Philippi Pike in Broadway - next door to my grandfather Tim Garcia. We attended Broadway Elementary and Junior High and Roosevelt Wislon High Schools. Recently, we sold the property. My grandmother, Wilma Garcia, had to be hospitalized for dementia. My parents (Richard (Dick) and Connie Garcia now live near me in Ocala, Florida.

I recently took possession of my grandmother's cedar chest that holds many photos, letters, postcards and memorabilia of the family. I was also fortunate to obtain much of the glassware that my father brought home daily from the Hazel Atlas factory.

As a graduate in Journalism from West Virginia University, I'm always looking for a story to write. My hope is to piece together the story of how my family arrived in Anmoore, and what their lives were like in Asturia and the United States.

Any insight that you may provide will be greatly appreciated. I know a good deal about my grandfather, Celestino Garcia (Tim Garcia) but do not know much about Ulpiano Fernandez or Virginia Garcia's lives. I am also interested in as much information as possible about the Clarksburg, Zeising, Anmoore areas between the time of 1915 to 1965.

Thank you.
Linda Garcia
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