Apellido Guardado

Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America

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Paula Núñez
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:28 am

Apellido Guardado

Post by Paula Núñez »

Hola, investigando sobre mi familia he encontrado este foro. Soy descendiente de asturiana y estoy buscando a un hermano de mi abuela que se llamaba Armando Guardado de la Vega. Se que marcho a Clarksburg, por una foto que tengo de el con su mujer Florentina del año 1918. Si alguien tiene algun dato me gustaria me lo hiciera saber.

Translated by Bob

Hello, while researching my family I came across this foum. I am a descendant of an Asturian woman and I am looking for my grandmother's brother who was named Armando Guardado de la Vega. I know that he went to Clarksburg because of a photo I have of him with his wife Florentina from 1918. If anyone has any information please let me know.
Last edited by Paula Núñez on Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
Paula Núñez
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:28 am

Re: Apellido Guardado

Post by Paula Núñez »

Creo que puedo dar mas datos para mi busqueda. Mi abuela se llamaba Acacia y nació en el 1895 en Aviles en la plaza de carbayedo, y sus padres, mis tatarabuelos, eran José Guardado Garranché y Vicenta de la Vega y Cerloza. Su hermano Armando no se cuando marcho a Virginia pero la foto está fechada en el 1918 y hay otra foto posterior que creo que está con toda la familia. ¿Alguien reconoce a alguna de estas personas?

Translated by Bob

I think I can offer more information concerning my search. My grandmother was named Acacia and was born in 1895 in Aviles in plaza de carbayedo, and her parents, my great grandparents, were Jose Guardada Garranche and Vicenta de la Vega y Cerloza. Her brother Armando - I don't know when he left for [West?] Virginia - but the photo was taken in 1918 and there is an earlier photo that I think is with the entire family. Does any recognize any of these people?
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