my grandfather was a spaniard / Mi guelu yera espanhol

Asturian cultural identity, Spanish nationality, & return to Asturias: legal, social, & personal aspects.<br>
Identidad cultural asturiana, nacionalidad española, y regreso a Asturias: cuestiones legales, sociales, y personales.

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my grandfather was a spaniard / Mi guelu yera espanhol

Post by alexis »

He went to cuba and married my grandmother
he died of cancer in cuba. WE STILL have family in SPAIN. One of his younger sisters and many of our cousins. My mother is in constant touch with them. They talk several times a month. According to this new law, How can I go about getting a Spanish citizenship, what papers would I need. My grandfather's family still lives in Torre de Babia, Leon in the same house where they where all born.
thanks you for your help javascript:emoticon(':D')

trans. Ayalgueru

el emigro a cuba y casose con mi guela. EL morrio de cancer en cuba , enta tenemos familia en espanha. Mi madre tien tratu con ellos , falen regularmente con ellos. D'alcuerdu cola nueva llei , comu puedo conseguir la nacionalida espanhola ? que papeles me pidiran ? La familia de mi guelu vive tovia en Torre de Babia , Lleon na mesma casa onde siempre vivio la familia.

Gracies por adelantao pola ayuda
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Post by ayalgueru »

creo que puedes encontrar informacion util en este hilo de debajo( haz click en el link ) y en otros dentro de esta seccion ... ciudadania


I think you will be able to find some useful information on the thread below. ... ciudadania
the cat washes in the river...
spring rain
Isaa Kobayashi (1816)
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