I've been a member of the Asturian-American Migration Forum since 2004 ... albeit sitting silently in the background.
I want to reintroduce myself to the group and offer a bit of my genealogy as well.
I am Gloria A. Villamarzo, the grand daughter of an Asturianu emigre. He was José Villamarzo Lledín, born in Folgosa [Grandas de Salime].
My interest is in the following surnames, all by the way in my pedigree ... Villarmarzo, Lledin, Magadan, Cotarelo, Monteserin, Martinez and Alvarez.
I understand there's a member of this forum that is also researching the Villarmarzo and the Magadan lines ... perhaps we're related?
Please contact me... we may be able to help each other.
Hace ya unos 4 años soy miembra de este foro, aunque me mantego en el fondo y silenciosa.
Quiero una vez mas saludarles y dejarles saber quien soy.
Me llamo Gloria A Villamarzo, soy nieta de un Asturianu que emigro a America de su pueblo natal Folgosa [Grandas de Salime]. Mi interes es en los apellidos Villarmarzo, Lledin, Magadan, Cotarelo, Monteserin, Martinez and Alvarez.
Tengo entendido en este foro hay una persona con interes e investaga los apellidos Villarmarzo y Magadan.
Favor con comunicar conmigo para comparar datos.
Saludus de Gloria A. Villamarzo (Arizona)
Moderator: Moderators
Saludus de Gloria A. Villamarzo (Arizona)
Aquí estamos sus descendientes y él en el cielo riéndose y tomando un culín de sidra.
Re: Saludus!!
Welcome back, Gloria. In case you missed this link to people doing genealogical work for Villamarzo and Magadan. The more detailed your info on dates and the exact location of the villages in Grandas de Salmime, the better you can target your potential relatives. By the way, Grandas is an extremely beautiful place. I have a picture of the Vale dos Cabalos (valley of the horses) on my desktop...Asturies wrote:I am Gloria A. Villamarzo, the grand daughter of an Asturianu emigre. He was José Villamarzo Lledín, born in Folgosa [Grandas de Salime].
My interest is in the following surnames, all by the way in my pedigree ... Villarmarzo, Lledin, Magadan, Cotarelo, Monteserin, Martinez and Alvarez.
I understand there's a member of this forum that is also researching the Villarmarzo and the Magadan lines ... perhaps we're related?
Here is the link:
As Ayandes, another forum member, has pointed out, Magadan is quite common in West Asturias. In my father's home county of Ayande (Allande) there are several families and I've always thought it a curious name. However, no one has posted any info on its possible etymology. I know Carlos might have a few theories in mind.
In Ayande, there are people with that last name in La Puela (Pola de Allande) and in the Valledor valley, which abuts the neighboring county of Grandas de Salime. Another forum member, Fede, apparently has written from A Fonsagrada (Lugo Province, Galicia) to say that he can offer more info.
If you follow the link, Tony Carreno (in Tampa, Florida) says there were several Magadan family branches in the 1930s to that city. So you could ask Tony to find out more for you by sending him a private mail through this discussion list.
Good luck and saludinos!