Title of nobility given to the male Canary Islanders of San Antonio, Texas,
and their descendants in perpetuum (forever).
"In law 6, title 6, book IV, of the summary of the Laws of dies, "his majesty states:
"In order to honor any persons and their legitimate sons and descendants, who may undertake to found settlements , when they have concluded and established such settlements, we hereby make them land-holding nobles, (Hijos Dalgo de Solar conocido,) so that in that settlement and in any other part of the Indies they may be known as land-holding nobles and persons of noble lineage and estate, and, in order that they be known as such, we hereby grant them all the honors and prerogatives that all landed noblemen and knights of these kingdoms of Castile should have and enjoy, according to the laws and privileges of Spain. "therefore, by virtue of this law, his majesty shall declare, as I by these presents do declare, each and everyone of the persons included in these fifteen families, their sons and legitimate descendants, to be noblemen and as such they shall be considered, and accorded all the honors and prerogatives, enjoyed by all landed noblemen and knights of the kingdoms of Castile according to the customs and laws of Spain, with which his majesty has been pleased to honor them. The proper dispatches bearing this declaration shall be issued to them by my superior office for their sue whenever they shall request them. This dispatch shall be kept in the archives of the superior government council. The governor shall let them know the contents thereof, and he shall give them any official copies of it they may request.
Mexico city, November 28, l730
the Marquis of Casafuerte, Viceroy of Spain.
Witness: Antonio de Aviles.
Bexar Archives, Vol. l, page 250, translations.
Bexar County Courthouse, San Antonio, Texas
Title of Nobility
Retelling the stories of the Asturian-American migration.<br>
Recontando las historias de la emigración astur-americana.
Recontando las historias de la emigración astur-americana.
Moderators: Maria Garcia Alvarez, Moderators
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- Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:16 am
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