Gijon Painting - Request for Assistance

2-D & 3-D disciplines: painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, jewelry, etc.<br>
Disciplinas bidimensional y tridimensional: pintura, escultura, cerámica, grabado, alhajas, etc.

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Gijon Painting - Request for Assistance

Post by belenina »

I'm trying to locate a gallery in Gijon that has a beautiful painting of the beach, boardwalk and apartments in the picture. My fiancee and I visited Gijon two weeks ago and I would love to purchase the painting for her. It is all she talks about since returning to the United States.

The gallery was small with a sign above the door that included a website address in big letters. I think the sign was either blue or green. As I recall the shop was in the middle of a block on a small out-of-the-way street, maybe close to the beach and possibly close to a home decorating shop called CHROMATICA. I think the shop also had some furniture for sale and various other paintings. The piece I am interested in was an oil painting with three separate panels. The middle panel was the largest and the panels on each side completed the scene as described above.

If you know someone in Gijon who would be interested in finding and putting me in touch with the store I will gladly pay 40 Euros for their effort.

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Post by Bob »

Cromatica is located at:

Plaza Romualdo Alvargonzález Lanquine 2
33202 Gijon, Spain
985 345 666‎

You could try calling them and asking for information about nearby art shops.
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