Sorry but the description in English and Spanish are a little different. I just copy and paste the info.
Saying Nuberu implies speaking about a charismatic and historic couple in Asturian music for over a quarter of a century. Chus Pedro Suárez and Manolo Peñayos, singers and songwriters who were members of the mythical seventies band Camaretá, wrote much of their music during the Political transition in Asturies; a lot of their tunes became very popular and - some of them ("Aida la Fuente"; "A Juanín, l´home de la unidá"…) - became real anthems for the asturian labour. They were also one of the first bands to include the Asturian bagpipes in a context of modern instruments, which was to bring a great deal of fame for their piper Manolo Quirós.
Nuberu es un conjunto musical español que defiende las raíces asturianas y con crítica social y política en sus letras. Cantan en asturiano y a lo largo de más de un cuarto de siglo de historia se han convertido en un icono de la música asturiana. A su vez son unos de los mas acérrimos defensores de la lengua asturiana, ya que como dicen al empezar sus conciertos,"Nuberu lleva 30 años canciando n'una llingua que non existe, oficialmente"
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