Researching Perez Roots

Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America

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Researching Perez Roots

Post by superminer »

I was born in Cuba as was my father. However, both of his parents (my grandparents) migrated from Spain to Cuba about the time of the Spanish civil war. My grandmother from Santander and my Grandfather from Asturias. My grandfather died when my father was young so I don't have much on him other than my father told me people called him "El Asturiano". His name was Constantino Perez Llano.

Where can I go to find records on my grandfather? Unfortunately I don't know what city he was born in.

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Post by Terechu »

Jesús, while Constantino Pérez Llano is a very Asturian name, if you don't know your grandfather's birthplace or birthdate it will be almost impossible to find out anything. Pérez is a very common patronimic (from Pedro = Peterson in English), although you might want to pursue the Llano lead. Llano is typical of Gijón, Ribadesella and Llanes. Given the fact that your grandmother was from Santander, it may be a good idea to search in Llanes, which is the county closest to Santander.
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Searching for Perez Roots

Post by superminer »

TERECHU thanks for the reply
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Found my gradfathers birthplace

Post by superminer »

After some research my dad brought out some old papers where he sold some land he inherited and once belonged to his father. He sold it to his aunt and the land was in Sieres!!! The paper also a mentioned the town of Borines. When I looked on the map, the towns are next to each other. So now I know my grandfather was either born in Sieres or Borines. My father thinks it is in Sieres since the land was passed on through generations.

How does one begin to trace living relatives there?
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Post by Terechu »

OK, that's a great leap forward! Both Sieres and Borines belong to county Piloña (county seat Infiesto)
You might request a birth certificate from the Registrar at Infiesto:

Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción
C/ Covadonga s/n
Infiesto - Piloña
Tel. 34-985-710-109

Good luck!
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Post by superminer »

Terechu - My dad also had the name of an aunt (Ovelina Llana Perez who he never met) in Sieres. Well I found a spanish white pages on line, typed her name in and Sieres for the town and there is a number for her!!! What I dont understand is that my father's aunt must be 100 since mi abuelo was born in 1900. Who could that be???
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Post by Terechu »

That's really great news. It could be your father's aunt, why not? She could be in her 80's. People back then had many children and it was not uncommon for the youngest siblings to be 20 or 25 years younger than the oldest.
If you don't speak well enough Spanish, send her a letter or postcard. She'll be thrilled.
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Constantino Pérez Llana

Post by Luiña »

Buenas noches, Jesús:

Su abuelo, Constantino Pérez Llana, nació en Sieres el 20 de julio de 1900 y fue bautizado en la parroquia de San Martín de Borines dos días después. Ambos pertenecen al concejo de Piloña.

La dirección del Registro Civil creo que es:

Calle Covadonga s/n

La partida de Bautismo está en el Archivo Diocesano de Oviedo

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Registro Civil de Piloña

Post by Luiña »

No me di cuenta de que ya había escrito Terechu la dirección y el teléfono del Registro. Me disculpo por la repetición.

Añadir el nombre de los padres de Constantino. Fueron José Pérez del Valle y Manuela Llana Martínez
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Constantino Perez Llana

Post by superminer »

Luiña, Perdóname, pero ase tiempo que e venido a leer aquí. No sabia que encontraste a mi abuelo i sus padres. Muchas gracias Luiña i Terechu por ayudarme. De nuevo perdón for no venir aquí mas temprano i Muchas muchas gracias.

También encontré cuando mi abuelo entro en Cuba. Entro en Enero de 1917. Tenia nada mas que 16 años. Que fue la razón por salir tan joven.

Jesus Perez
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