Parroquia de Santa Colomba, Allande
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- Jana
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:34 pm
- Location: Asturies (Xixón y Ayande)
- asturias_and_me:
Parroquia de Santa Colomba, Allande
Hola a todos!!
Acabo de encontrar este foro y estoy encantada
Soy asturiana con raíces de Tineo y Allande.
Todos los hermanos de mi abuelo emigraron a Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico... el caso es que me gustaría encontrar algún descendiente, ¡o a algún tio-abuelo, por supuesto!
Si alguien quiere saber algo, cree saber algo o me puede aportar algo... ¡aquí estoy! Estaré encantada de aportar, aprender y ayudar.
Besinos asgaya, Jana
(Gustaríame poder escribiros en inglés pero nun díbais a entedeme...)
Trans. Is
Hi Everyone,
I'm delighted to have found this forum I'm Asturian with family roots in counties Tineu/Tineo and Ayande/Allande. All my grandfather's brothers emigrated to Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
I'd love to find some of his descendants there, perhaps even a great uncle. If someone has any leads, please let me know. I'll be delighted to share what I know, learn new things and help out.
Lots of kisses, Jana
(I'd like to write in English, but you wouldn't understand me...)
Acabo de encontrar este foro y estoy encantada
Soy asturiana con raíces de Tineo y Allande.
Todos los hermanos de mi abuelo emigraron a Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico... el caso es que me gustaría encontrar algún descendiente, ¡o a algún tio-abuelo, por supuesto!
Si alguien quiere saber algo, cree saber algo o me puede aportar algo... ¡aquí estoy! Estaré encantada de aportar, aprender y ayudar.
Besinos asgaya, Jana
(Gustaríame poder escribiros en inglés pero nun díbais a entedeme...)
Trans. Is
Hi Everyone,
I'm delighted to have found this forum I'm Asturian with family roots in counties Tineu/Tineo and Ayande/Allande. All my grandfather's brothers emigrated to Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
I'd love to find some of his descendants there, perhaps even a great uncle. If someone has any leads, please let me know. I'll be delighted to share what I know, learn new things and help out.
Lots of kisses, Jana
(I'd like to write in English, but you wouldn't understand me...)
Bonas Jana, Encantaos que teas aiqui con nos. Primeiro has decinos cumo se chamaba tou buolo ya los sous harmanos. Cual ia tou apelliu? Nun sedras Zardain de Sta. Colomba?
Tamen non esqueizas apurrir datos del anu no que marchanon los tous tios abuolos a America.
hi Jana, Delighted to read your posting. First off, you should tell us what your grandfather's and his brothers' names were. What is your own last name? Are you a Zardain from Sta. Colomba by any chance?
Also, don't forget to provide a date for when they all left for America.
Tamen non esqueizas apurrir datos del anu no que marchanon los tous tios abuolos a America.
hi Jana, Delighted to read your posting. First off, you should tell us what your grandfather's and his brothers' names were. What is your own last name? Are you a Zardain from Sta. Colomba by any chance?
Also, don't forget to provide a date for when they all left for America.
- Jana
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:34 pm
- Location: Asturies (Xixón y Ayande)
- asturias_and_me:
Bonas Is!!
Na mas vi el to nome quería falar contigo!!
Mio pá ye de Monón, parroquia de Santa Colomba, conceyu d'Ayande, mi bolo yera daquí tamen ya mi bola yera de Rel.lanos, conceyu de Tinéu, vaqueirina, vaqueirina...
Frente a Monón hai una aldea col tu nome, Is... ¿nun serás dellí?
Trans. Is
hi Is!!
As soon as I saw your name I wanted to speak with you!! My father is from Monon in the parish of Santa Colomba, county Ayande. My grandfather was also from that village and my grandmother was from Rel.lanos in county Tineu, vaqueirina, vaqueirina [the nomadic herdsmen of West Asturias]
There's a village near Monon that has your name, Is...are you from there?
Na mas vi el to nome quería falar contigo!!
Mio pá ye de Monón, parroquia de Santa Colomba, conceyu d'Ayande, mi bolo yera daquí tamen ya mi bola yera de Rel.lanos, conceyu de Tinéu, vaqueirina, vaqueirina...
Frente a Monón hai una aldea col tu nome, Is... ¿nun serás dellí?
Trans. Is
hi Is!!
As soon as I saw your name I wanted to speak with you!! My father is from Monon in the parish of Santa Colomba, county Ayande. My grandfather was also from that village and my grandmother was from Rel.lanos in county Tineu, vaqueirina, vaqueirina [the nomadic herdsmen of West Asturias]
There's a village near Monon that has your name, Is...are you from there?
Aiqui vei una semeya de miou pai xunto a unos uzales camin de Boxu. No fondeiru, conos praos, la primera casia que ves n'Is ia Ca'l Ferreiro, que l.levan l'apellio Zardain igual que miou pai.
Agora nun sei si l'aldea que ves pa la outra l.lomba, embaxo Penouta, ia Llaeces ou Monon. Podes decimelo tu?
Here goes a picture of my Dad next to some heather bushes on the way to Boxu. In the background you can spot the green fields and the first house of Is (Ca'l Ferreiro), whose last name is also Zardain, like my father.
What I'm not sure about is whether the village on the other (right-hand side of the picture) hill below Penouta is Llaeces or Monon. Can you tell us?
Agora nun sei si l'aldea que ves pa la outra l.lomba, embaxo Penouta, ia Llaeces ou Monon. Podes decimelo tu?
Here goes a picture of my Dad next to some heather bushes on the way to Boxu. In the background you can spot the green fields and the first house of Is (Ca'l Ferreiro), whose last name is also Zardain, like my father.
What I'm not sure about is whether the village on the other (right-hand side of the picture) hill below Penouta is Llaeces or Monon. Can you tell us?
Last edited by is on Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Jana
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:34 pm
- Location: Asturies (Xixón y Ayande)
- asturias_and_me:
Meu padre díxome que el pueblo que se ve e Monón, porque Llaeces ta enfrente d'Is y Monón ta mas pa lló (enfrete Bendón).
Meu padre ye de Casa Paisano, Monón, y diz que conoz a tou padre, pero que nun sabe de que casa e...
Trans. Is
My Dad told me the village in the background is in fact Monon because Llaeces is in front of Is and Monon is further up the valley facing Bendon.
He is originally from Casa Paisano in Monon and has told me that he knows your father, but is not sure what farmstead he is originally from...
Meu padre ye de Casa Paisano, Monón, y diz que conoz a tou padre, pero que nun sabe de que casa e...
Trans. Is
My Dad told me the village in the background is in fact Monon because Llaeces is in front of Is and Monon is further up the valley facing Bendon.
He is originally from Casa Paisano in Monon and has told me that he knows your father, but is not sure what farmstead he is originally from...
Asina que de Ca Paisano en Monon? Habrá que baxar p'aló de la que tea n'Ayande. Tuviera pa Llaeces vei pouco con amigos e nun quedaba mas que ua casia aberta, as outras baleiras. Supono que vei xente as fines de selmana igual que pa Is.Jana wrote:Meu padre ye de Casa Paisano, Monón, y diz que conoz a tou padre, pero que nun sabe de que casa e...My Dad is originally from Casa Paisano in Monon and has told me that he knows your father, but is not sure what farmstead he is originally from...
A familia de meu pai vien de Ca Gayon no Mazu d´Abaxu, camín do Palo. Pero vei mercar o mel en Pontenova. Gusta-che calear por Penouta, Sta. Colomba e Beveraso. Un dia pasou por Mureios ya quedou falando con outro Zardain que vive ali coa muyer.
Sabes o que ta fendo l´Ayto. d´Ayande en Carondio? HC Enerxia quer llantar un parque eolico de 25 molinos dende Bustantigu deica mas p´alo das Branas d´Is, cono cual van destruir a serra de Carondio. Has mirar esti outro filo aberto n´asturianus:
Bueno Jana, pos nun faen falta máis datos, somos primos segundos. Este ano fui dúas veces a Monón y vin á túa familia (que tamén é mía, peró quédame un pouco máis llonxe ). Se dices que sou el das tumbas (os túmulos), os tesouros y A Cruz da Porqueira van saber ben quén sou.
Is ¡vaya a que tas armando cuel gallego d'Asturias, el gallego de Santiago y el asturiano! Cuando volvas teño que faerte un mapa cúas falas d'Ayande. Eso de aló é d'El Valledor. Fora d'El Valledor (en A Serra y A Ribeira) é sempre alló, llobo, callar,... y por eso-yes chaman "llatos". Peró bueno, eu tampouco controlo muito de gallego... así que nun tou pa falar
Is ¡vaya a que tas armando cuel gallego d'Asturias, el gallego de Santiago y el asturiano! Cuando volvas teño que faerte un mapa cúas falas d'Ayande. Eso de aló é d'El Valledor. Fora d'El Valledor (en A Serra y A Ribeira) é sempre alló, llobo, callar,... y por eso-yes chaman "llatos". Peró bueno, eu tampouco controlo muito de gallego... así que nun tou pa falar
Xa lo sei, neno, pero cumo you tuviera conos pais pa Grandas ya la costa de Lugo (Viveiro), ia normal que de mayorin tea nuna terra-de-naide. En Xixon, tratanme de, na Puela d'aldeanu, pa Cangas d'ayandes. Inda non escuitaras a mia mai falar asturianu con acento norteamericanu? Eso si que tien merito...