Here I bring to you the link of a page that maybe will be of your interest. It's the Atlántica XXII's page, a new (one year since its creation) journal about Asturian politics and culture. It's written by professors, academicians and journalists considered outsiders by their fellows and members of political parties (or at least they aren't too much praised by none of the aforementioned groups). They hold a very critical attitude toward the Asturian regimen, so I think it will be interesting to read it, above all these days in which totalitarianism has showed again how it works. It's also useful to comprehend a little more how the Asturian economy works.
You can download all the numbers that have been published.
Atlántica XXII
Moderator: Moderators
Allégrome que te preste. Abúltame que nun hai munchos proyeutos asemeyaos a lo que fai esta bona xente y la verdá ye que Asturies precisa toles voces crítiques que se puean llograr. Endagora esta fai'l so llabor selemente, poro seique col tiempu algame una meyor posición dientro los medios asturianos.
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