El 'Principado' autoriza la central de ciclu combináu de La Perea
La Coordinadora Ecoloxista llamenta que'l 'Principado' nun atendiere los sos allegamientos y diera l'autorización a la central de ciclu combináu de 410 MW na Perea en Mieres, promovía por Endesa y que güei publica'l Bopa. "Una vegá más arrenúnciase a atender los problemes venceyaos a estes istalaciones industriales y facilita la contaminación d'Asturies", denuncien. Escontra esta resolución la Coordinadora va presentar un recursu alministrativu.
A la CEA sospriénde-y que nun s'autoricen térmiques n'otros territorios del estáu con menos contaminación y equí "que tamos fora de norma", sí.
La central supón un significativu aumentu les emisiones nuna fastera con importantes emisiones anguañu, pol allugamientu de la térmica de La Pereda d'HUNOSA y otres térmiques nun radiu de menos de 10 Km, escontra a la normativa europea. Les térmiques de gas, recuerden los ecoloxistes, son cadarmes contaminante con emisiones de monóxidu de carbonu (CO), dióxidu de carbonu (CO2), que contribúi al cambéu climáticu, amás d'óxidos de nitrógenu (NOx) y dióxidu d'azufre (SO2).
Dalgunes consecuencies que denuncia la Coordinadora son l'aumentu de la contaminación acústico, qu'anguañu dase na fastera; Aumentu la contaminación de les augües; l'impautu pal ríu Caudal, tantu dende le'l porgüeyu del consumu d'augua (másimu 460 l/s), como de los efluentes y arramaos que se-y faen al ríu de purgues y fugues; L'impautu que va suponer l'allimentación de la central a partir de gas, un nuéu gaseoductu dende'l principal col so correspondiente impautu en tol so trazáu: el de la llínea llétrica o llínies que comunicaren el parque de tresformadores de la central con Sotu Ribera.
La CEA camienta que la planta autorizá "ye un casu claru de sobreequipamientu innecesariu y gratuitu y que'l so impautu nun se xustifica en dengún casu".
The 'Principado' authorizes the combined-cycle central of La Perea
The Coordinadora Ecoloxista (Ecologist Coordinating Committee) regrets that the "Principado" didn't pay attention to their requeriments and gave his authorization to the combined-cycle central of 410 MW in La Perea in Mieres, promoted by Endesa and which today publishes in the Bopa. "Once again is resigned to attend to the problems linked to this kind of installations and facilitate the contamination of Asturies" they denounce.
Against this resolution, the coordinating Commitee is going to make an appeal.
The CEA is very surprised with the fact that there aren't thermal power stations in other parts of the State with much less contamination and here that "we're out of the legality", they are.
The thermal stations means a significant increase of the toxic emisions in a place which already has a severe rate of emisions, due to the thermal station from HUNOSA and other thermal stations in a radius of less than 10 Km, which it's against the European rules about it. The Gas and thermal stations, as the ecologists remember, are a very pollutant structures which emite carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), what contributes to the climate change with other gases as nitrogen oxide (NOx) y and fulfur dioxide (SO2).
Some consequences that the Coordinating Commitee condemns are the increase of the acoustic contamination, which already happens in the zone; increase of the water contamination, the impact against the Caudal, due to the water consumption (460 l/s maximum), as well as the canalizations that the river already suffers; the impact that is going to mean to the manteinance of the gas station, a new gas pipeline with its corresponding impact from all its way: the one form the electric line or lines that link the park of transformers of the station with Sotu Ribera.
The CEA thinks that the authorized station "is a clear case of unnecesary overequipment and that its impact is not justified at all".
Baltiando Asturies/ Knocking down Astuires
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¿Qué se precisa para que Asturias prosperará?
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