Juanita Suarez, 79, died on Aug 2, 2010. Born in De Pue, IL, she was a daughter of Joseph M. and Mary "Theona" (Garcia) Suarez, both born in Asturias. Survivors include brothers John and Eugene, sister Linda and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by three Suarez brothers, Celestino "Shieky," Albert, and Frank "Cucu."
Her paternal grandparents were John Suarez and Mary Garcia of Asturias. Maternal grandparents were Manuel Garcia and Delfina Garcia; arriving in U.S., widow Delfina lived in St. Louis before moving to DePue. Relatives include Puente, Tunon and Campas families in Donora, PA; Diaz and Garcia families in Fairmont City, IL.
Juanita was an energetic force in the Asturian community. She knew everyone and remembered everything. She kept Asturian traditions alive. When we compiled the Asturian genealogies in town, Juanita and Mercedes (Garcia) served as a wealth of information for our book - still in progress. Juanita volunteered at the local hospital. Juanita will be greatly missed. Her passing is a tremendous loss to her family and huge circle of friends.
The Suarez name has appeared in too many obituaries lately. The family of Juanita's uncle, Vincent Suarez Sr., has lost five members in 2010 alone. Gloria (Suarez) Corpus, Vincent Suarez Jr., Betty Suarez, Joseph Suarez and the wife of James Suarez. Surviving siblings are: Lillian, Anita, Mary, Sylvia and James.
When coming to U.S., brothers Joseph, Vincent and Angelo Suarez left siblings in Asturias. They were Celestino (last known in 1978), Genaro, Bernadino, Angelina, Mercedes, who all died in Spain before 1948.
Asturian of De Pue, IL gone - SUAREZ
Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America
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