Reflection on the 1yr Anniversary of

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Reflection on the 1yr Anniversary of

Post by Suronda »

Did you know that March 19th is the one-year anniversary of If you would have asked me when we began, I certainly wouldn't have predicted that we would have over 300 members one year later, and I never imaged the scope and range of topics and information. Its been one happy surprise after another for me.

I thought it would be fun to open a thread where you could share your experiences with How have you used the site over the past year. How did you find the site? Did it happen in an unusual way? Did you learn something particularly surprising? Do you have a memorable experience or new family connection?

See Art's thread here:
about a celebratory get together later in 2004.

Share you thoughts here as we celebrate our first anniversary!

translated by Art & Reverso

¿Sabes que el 19 de marzo es el aniversario de un año de Si me hubieras preguntado cuando comenzamos, seguramente no habría predicho que tendríamos más de 300 miembros un año más tarde, y nunca habría imaginado el alcance y la gama de asuntos e información. Ha sido "una sorpresa feliz después de otra" (ha sido llena de sorpresas) para mí.

Pensé que sería divertido para abrir un hilo donde podríamos compartir nuestros experiencias con ¿Comó has usado el sitio durante el año pasado? ¿Comó te encontraste el sitio? ¿Pasó de un modo insólito? ¿Aprendiste algo en particular sorprendiendo? ¿Tienes una experiencia memorable o la nueva conexión de familia?

Mira el hilo del Art aquí:
sobre un festivo se reunen más tarde en 2004.

¡Compártale tus pensamientos aquí como celebramos nuestro primer anniversario!
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Re: Reflection on the 1yr Anniversary of

Post by jomaguca »

Yo dí con ésta página ,un día qué compré el periodico LA NUEVA ESPAÑA ,qué hablaba de un artículo sobre los emigrantes asturianos de los años 1900, y como entre esos emigrantes estaban mis bisabuelos ,y los hermanos de mi bisabuela ,me intreresé por dicha página y la encuentro estupenda ,además entre los miembros del foro están unos primos de mi Padre ,qué ni sabiamos nada de ellos y gracias a la página estamos en contacto permanente e intercambiamos fotografias etc...,saludos y enhorabuena por la página :lol:
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Ken Menendez
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Post by Ken Menendez »

Happy anniversary.

Without this site I would not have discovered some relatives; opened new relationships; gained some insight into Asturias--its past and present; got me interested in genealogy on my family; brought memories of my childhood in Spelter and all those wonderful Spanish (from Asturias) folks that I knew; and an interest in visting Asturias and back to Spain (last time in Spain was 1972 in Madrid and surrounding area).

Hats off and a big thank you to Suronda, Art and Bob.
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Post by Bob »

When Art, Suronda and I started this website, we had little idea that in the course of one short year it would grow to over 300 registered members, over half of whom are from Asturias; that it would engender so many friendships, rediscovered relationships, and cooperative efforts; or that it would contain such a wealth of information about Asturian families and culture on both sides of the Atlantic. I have been both amazed and deeply gratified. The three of us, together with our translators and other members, have contributed thousands of hours of effort to the website’s success. In my opinion, it has been more than worth the effort.

Eighteen months ago, I encountered a reference to an article entitled “Talking Like my Grandmothers” by Suronda Gonzalez, then of the University of West Virginia. This intrigued me, because my Asturian grandparents lived in Ziezing (Spelter) West Virginia for many years, and my father was born there. When I was unable to obtain a copy of the article through interlibrary loan, I did an on-line search for Suronda’s email address and wrote to her asking for an electronic copy of her paper. We had several lengthy telephone conversations and exchanged email messages repeatedly. She introduced me (electronically) to Art Zoller-Wagner, and the three of us began working on a website. On March 19, 2003, we opened the site to the public. As of this morning, our 305 registered users have posted a total of 1866 articles.

Through the website, I have discovered two cousins--Sweeney and jomaguca and I share a common great great grandmother--and I have made many friends. One of our members is the son-in-law of my grandfather’s best friend. Other connections remain to be verified. For example, in my New Haven home there is a portrait of my grandfather’s parents, painted in a style that looks very similar to that of Art’s grandfather, “El Pintor,” and I suspect that he was indeed the artist who painted it. The website has served as a conduit for my father to share what he remembers about the Asturian immigrants who lived near his family in Ziezing in the early 1900's, and for our members to provide him with details that have awakened many other old memories, all of which I have recorded to pass on to my granddaughters. Most strikingly, the website has brought together total strangers and motivated them to exchange information and help one another in their quests for information and renewed connections.

To our many members, my thanks and appreciation for your interest and your many contributions. To our new members, a heartfelt welcome.

Bob Martinez
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