Caldevilla de la Vega branch

Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America

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Caldevilla de la Vega branch

Post by diplomat31 »


I am looking for more members of the Caldevilla de la Vega branch of the family from Asturias. My great-great grandparents were Miguel Caldevilla and Manuela de la Vega. They had sons and daughters. Their daughters, Antonia, Candida (my great-grandmother) and one known as "Paya" Caldevilla de la Vega all went to Cuba between the late 19th and early 20th century. They married in Cuba and had children. However, their brothers stayed in Spain. Is anyone out there a decendant of those brothers? I appreciate the feedback!
Daniel I. Pedreira
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Post by Art »

Welcome to the forum!

We have a number of members who only read in Spanish or only read in English, so it helps to write messages like yours in both languages. If you can translate your own message into Spanish, you would reach a much larger audience.

You can edit your own messages by clicking on the "edit" button.

By the way, machine translation (such as using isn't good enough. Machine translations need careful correction. Let us know if you can't translate it.


¡Bienvenido al foro!

Hay muchos miembros que sólo leen en español o sólo leen en inglés, por lo que sería una buena idea escribir un mensaje como el tuyo en los dos idiomas. Si puedes traducir tu propio mensaje a español, llegaría a un público mucho más amplio.

Puedes editar tus propios mensajes haciendo clic en el botón que dice "editar".

Por cierto, la traducción automática (como el uso de no es suficiente. Las traducciones automáticas necesitan la corrección cuidadosa. Dinos saber si no puedes traducirlo.
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