Asturian in Paris, or how a "daughter" of mine takes a walk by the Cité-Lumière.
The past day March, 20 a new edition of the Celtic Night, dedicated to Saint Patrick, pattern of Ireland, took place in Paris, the capital of France. This event reunited to near 150000 spectators. It counted on the presence of musicians of the main Celtic Countries, between which it could not lack Asturies. Between our representatives she was the "tonada" (Asturian song) singer Mari Luz Cristóbal. Then, I can say with pride that this singer was accompanied by the musical young people David Varela (diatonic accordion) and Jorge Lopez (Asturian bagpipe), and that the instrument of this last one was constructed by me.
For more information on this important festival:
It is lamentable that, while Asturies, our music, our culture and our traditions reach a great international projection in some festivals like the Parisian or the Interceltic of Lorient, in Brittany, the Asturian politicians do not seem to feel too much interest, being preferred promoting other cultural manifestations completely foreigners to us, like the bullfights or the Andalusian fairs. Perhaps, since with the language, "from the bagpipe it goes to the sub-machine guns"...(Gustavo Bueno dixit)
Asturian in Paris
Group & solo; voice, bagpipe, guitar, drum, etc.<br>
Banda y solo; voz, gaita, guitarra, tambor, etc.
Banda y solo; voz, gaita, guitarra, tambor, etc.
Moderators: mariamatoyos, Chris, Moderators
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