Asturianos-Americanos--Consejo de Guerra / Military Tribunal

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Asturianos-Americanos--Consejo de Guerra / Military Tribunal

Post by Art »

[Art: Recibí estos datos de un socio del foro, Marcelo.]

Les envío una relación de asturianos/americanos que fueron sometidos a consejo de guerra por los franquistas a partir de Noviembre de 1937 en Gijón y en el Campo de Concentración de Camposancos, en la frontera de Galicia con Portugal.

Anita Menéndez Rodríguez, "la Habanera". Condena: 12 años.

Natural de Estados Unidos, vecina de Heres, Gozón, hija de Gerardo y Florentina, 20 años, soltera. De las JSU*; "firmó con su nombre y apellidos un artículo en "La Voz de Avilés" en el que se contienen frases y conceptos injuriosos para el Movimiento Nacional y para el Ejército, y si bien el Consejo no estima a la procesada autora de dicho artículo en atención a su escasa cultura, si considera hecho probado que conociendo su contenido se hizo solidaria de él con la finalidad de hacer méritos como adicta a la causa del marxismo para obtener un puesto de enfermera en el Hospital de Avilés."

José Suárez Natoli. Condena: reclusión perpetua.

Natural de Estados Unidos, vecino de Santander, hijo de José e Isabel, 23 años, casado, pintor. Directivo de las Juventudes Socialistas de Grado; capturado en el vapor "Llodio".

José García Vallina. Absuelto.

Natural de Estados Unidos, vecino de Avilés, hijo de Alfonso y Rosa, 17 años, soltero, labrador.

Destroes Iglesias Pardo. Condena: reclusión perpetua.
Natural de Tampa, Florida, Estados Unidos, vecino de San Román, Piloña, hijo de Ramón y Concepción, 28 años, soltero, labrador. Participó en la Revolución del 34, huyendo después al extranjero; de las JSU; voluntario en el frente, en el sector de Oviedo; gestor del Ayuntamiento de Infiesto; ingresó en Carabineros.

Eladio Fernández Rodríguez, "Candingo". Condena: Pena de muerte. Fusilado: 14-10-40.

Natural de Valmoniel (?), Avilés, vecino de Las Chabolas, Castrillón, hijo de José Francisco y Benita, 37 años, soltero, fundidor. Del PSOE y de la UGT; de 1920 a 1933 estuvo trabajando en Estados Unidos (Pensylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas e Indiana) como fundidor; participó en la Revolución del 34

[*Art: JSU probablemente es Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas]

translated by Art

[Art: I received this information from a member of the forum, Marcelo.]

I'm sending you an account of Asturian-Americans who were brought before a military tribunal by Franco's supporters beginning November, 1937 in Gijón and in the Concentration Camp of Camposancos, on the border of Galicia with Portugal.

Anita Menéndez Rodríguez, " The habanera ". Sentence: 12 years.

Native of the United States, resident of Heres, Gozón, daughter of Gerardo and Florentine, 20 years old, single. Member of the JSU*; "she signed with her name and surnames an article in "The Voice of Avilés" which contains insulting phrases and concepts about the National Movement and the Army, and although the tribunal does not regard highly the prosecuted author of the above mentioned article regarding her scanty education (they don't think much of her education), if the tribunal weighs the proven fact that knowing the article's content she aligned herself with it with the purpose of gaining points as an addict to the cause of the Marxism in order to obtain a nurse's position in the Hospital of Avilés."

José Suárez Natoli. Sentence: life imprisonment.

Native of the United States, resident of Santander, son of José and Isabel, 23 years old, married, painter. Manager of the Socialistic Youth of Grado; captured on the steamer "Llodio".

José García Vallina. Absolved.

Native of the United States, resident of Avilés, son of Alfonso and Rose, 17 years old, bachelor, farmer.

Destroes Church Brown. Sentence: life imprisonment.

Native of Tampa, Florida, the United States, resident of San Román, Piloña, son of Ramón and Concepcion, 28 years old, bachelor, farmer. Took part in the Revolution of 1934, fleeing later abroad; member of the JSU; volunteer on the front, in the sector of Oviedo; agent of the Town hall of Infiesto; he joined Carabineers.

Eladio Fernández Rodríguez, " Candingo ". Sentence: Capital punishment. Shot: 14-10-40.

Native of Valmoniel (?), Avilés, resident of Las Chabolas (The Shanties), Castrillón, son of José Francisco and Benedictine, 37 years old, bachelor, smelter. Of the Spanish socialist party and of the UGT; from 1920 to 1933 was employed in the United States (Pensylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas and Indiana) as smelter; it took part in the Revolution of 1934.

[*Art: JSU is probably Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas, Socialist Youth Unified, an organization]
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Post by Carlos »

Yes, Art, you are right. JSU is the name of the youth organisation resultant of the unification of both correspondant ones to the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. That is to say, there were two different adult parties, but an unique youth organisation. The Secretary General of the JSU at this time was Santiago Carrillo, which became in the 60's the Secretary General of the PCE, Spanish Communist Party. Other worker organisations were CNT (National Labour Confederation, an anarchist labour union), UGT (Workers' General Union, linked to the socialists), FAI (Iberian Anarchist Federation, political anarchist organisation, not exactly a party), and POUM (Worker Party for the Marxist Unification, trotskyst). Today each political party has a relative labour union, but in the 30's the situation was more fluent.

All this organisations still being today, except the POUM, practically exterminated by both Franco's regime, the nazis, and the pro-Soviet Union communists, as it is related in Ken Loach's "Earth & Freedom" movie, inspirated in actual facts of the Spanish Civil War, and located in Barcelona and the Aragon front.
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Post by Bob »

I have begun a thread dealing with current and past political parties that are and were important in Asturias in the "About Asturias" section of the forum. I would appreciate any information that our members can provide.

Bob Martinez
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