Is one of the Asturian emigrants in America (Cuba, Mexico). He is known as the “Poet of Asturias” and he was named “Favorite Son of Asturias” in 1981 by the Asturian Council.
Alfonso Camín was born in Roces in 1890. He arrived La Habana in 1905 and during his life he contributed with different articles to different newspapers not only in Cuba, but also in Mexico and Spain (“Diario Español”, “El Cubano Libre” , “El Diario de la Marina” ,“El Liberal” , “La Noche” , “Revista de Revistas”, “El Universal”, “Rojo y Gualda”, etc ).
In Cienfuegos he created the magazine “Tierrina” and in 1915 the magazine, “Apolo” in which well known writers collaborated (e.g. Agustín Acosta, Ricardo Arenales, Federico Ibarzabal and others).
As well as contributions to newspapers, Camín published, between 1913 and 1970, 87 books devoted to poetry, novels, tales, theater and assays. The legacy of Alfonso Camín to the Principado de Asturias (1981) was all his unpublished work, as confidential funds (“Fondos Reservados”) of the Library “Ramón Pérez de Ayala” in Oviedo.
Some of his Works: “De la Asturias simbólica” (La Habana, 1917), “Romancero de la Guerra” (México, 1939), “Elogio de la Negra” (Diario de la Marina, Cuba, 1925), “Cien sonetos” (La Habana, 1915), “Xotchitl y otros poemas” (México, 1929), “Castillos y Leones” (México, 1948), “América y sus hombres (México, 1957); La Carmona (Madrid, 1926); “Lo que traje de España” (Diario Norte,Madrid, 1929); “El gallo de Mateón” (Diario Norte, Madird, 1933), “De Estrabón al rey Pelayo. Contribución de Asturias a la formación de la nacionalidad española” (México, 1944), etc, etc.
In 1967, Camín returned definitively to Spain where he died forgotten by everyone (Porceyo, 1982, December 12th). Memory fails and scarce mention has been made in the newspapers about the recently 29nd anniversary of his death.
The work of Alfonso Camín is practically unknown by the Asturian Education System. The Asociación Literiaria Alfonso Camín is trying to give fresh impetus to his work as it is one of the more important legacies of the Asturian poetry of the XX century.
Poetry, novels, essays, etc.<br>
Poesía, novelas, ensayos, etc.
Poesía, novelas, ensayos, etc.
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