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Les muyeres y la sidre
José Mª Osoro espon en Nava una esbilla de semeyes na que se reconoz la presencia de la muyer nel mundiu la sidre.
Si hai dos meses entamemos dende la revista LA SIDRA a vindicar y destacar el papel de la muyer nel llagar cola seición que lleva esi mesmu nome, y obra de Xurde Margaride (semeyes) y Llucía Fdez Marqués (testu); agora ye Jose Mª Osoro, conceyal de Turismu de Nava y presidente nel so díi de la esaniciada Asociación de Llagareros d'Asturies, el que quier desmitificar que la sidre seya un mundiu d'homes y defender el papel clave de la muyer na nuesa bébora nacional.
Pa Osoro esta esposición "ye de xusticia porque demientres años nun se visulizó el papel de la muyer nel mundiu la sidre. Quedámosmos colos grandes mitos anclaos nel machismu", afirmando que "la muyer siempres trabayó nos llagares".
Una esposición perinteresante non solo nel tarrén artísticu sinon etnográficu y sociolóxicu que podremos güeyar nel Muséu de la Sidre de Nava fasta'l viniente 4 payares.
Women and cider
José Mª Osoro exhibits in Nava the selection of pictures in which is recognized the presence of the woman in the cider world.
When we started two months ago from LA SIDRA magazine to vindicate and highlight the role of the woman in the cider press with the section with the same name and work of Xurde Margaride (pictures) and Llucía Fdez Marqués (text); now isJose Mª Osoro, councilman of Tourism of Nava and former president of the finished Asturies Cidermakers Associations, who whants to debunk that cider is a world of men and to defend the relevance as cornerstone of the woman in our national beverage.
For Osoro this exhibition "is to do jusitice because since some years the role of the woman in the cider world was not seen at all. We stuck with the big myths settled on the male chauvinism", he also stated that "the woman has always worked in the cider presses".
A very interesting exposure not only in the artistic field but also in the ethnographic and sociological that we will be able to visit in the Museum of the Cider in Nava until next 4th of November.
Muyeres y sidre/Women and cider/Mujeres y sidra
Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Moderators: almudena, Moderators
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