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Cantá Victoria!
Orixinal campaña propagandística de la sidre arxentino Sidra La Victoria que gueta rellacionar al productu con festexos y cellebraciones.
La Sidra La Victoria, una sidre esplumoso arxentino, tamién tien nidia la necesidá de vincular el so productu colos festexos y cellebraciones y entama una orixinal promo con un premiu de 10.000 $ pal meyor “jingle” que mencione Sidra la Victoria y la rellacione coles festividaes de fin d’añu y navidá.
Una niciativa prestosa que quiciavis pudiere servir d’exemplu pal seutor n’Asturies, necesitáu siempres d’una promoción que-y permita recuperar espacios de los que la sidre esplumoso foi desplazo polos vino esplumosos (cava y demás).
Per otru llau, resulta sinificativo que la imaxe qu’acompanga esta convocatoria recurra a la sidre echao en basu cerveceru altu apináu de xelu, a la moda de les nueves sidres irlandeses, y non na tradicional copa axiblatada que ye l’avezada nesta triba de bébores… probatiblemente seya una tendencia a tener en cuenta.
Claim Victory!
Original advertising campaign of the Argentinean cider Sidra La Victoria (The Victory Cider), who wants to link their product with parties and celebrations.
The La Victoria Cider, an Argentinean sparkling cider, has also clear the need to link their product with the celebrations, and organizes an original promo with a prize of 10.000 $ for the best kingle which mentions Sidra La Victoria relating it with the festivities of New Year's Eve and Christmas.
A nice initiative that may be an example for the sector in Asturies, always needing a promotion that allows it to recover spaces where the sparkling cider was moved by the sparkling wines (cava ans so on).
On the other side, is significant that the picture of this announcement shows cider poured in a beer glass full of ice, following the fashing of the new Irish ciders and not the traditional thin cup usual in this kind of beverages... it probably is a tendence to take into account.
Sidre Arxentino/Argentinean cider
Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Moderators: almudena, Moderators
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