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El 9 payares, sidroquedada en Madrid
Coincidiendo col díi de l’Almudena, festivu en Madrid, cellébrase la 169 sidroquedada qu’esti añu tornará a facese en Casa Paniza.
En Madrid sigue moviéndose la sidre, tantu que yá tan na 169 sidroquedada, tou un récord sidreru mui a emponderar. La sidre, comu d’avezu, ye de Trabanco, y la cena entamará a les 21:30 (25€) cola entrega del Pasaporte Sidreru Oficial a la entrada del llocal (Orense 37).
De magar la espicha abriráse una sesión Post Sidroquedada pa los que querian tomar daqué copa perí, sesión a la que podrán amestase tamién xente que nun participara na folixa sidrera.
Una perguapa iniciativa, pero eso sí, na convocatoria siguen poniendo “culinEs” en cuentes de “culinOs” ¿onde diríen por ello?
9th of November, cider meeting in Madrid
Coincidng with the Almudena party in Madrid, there is the 169th cider meeting, that this year will take place in Casa Paniza again.
In Madrid the cider is still in movement, so much that they have already had 169 cider meetings, a true cider record to highlight. Cider, as usually, is Trabanco's, and the dinner will begin at 21:30 (25€) with the handing of the Official Cider Passport for the entrance to the facility (Orense 37).
After the popular drinking meeting there will be a Post Cidermeeting for those who want to hang out somewhere, having the chance of participating for those people who did not attend the cidermeeting.
A nice initiative, but in the announcement they still saying "culinES" instead of "culinOS", where the hell did they got that from?
Sidroquedada/ Cidermeeting
Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Moderators: almudena, Moderators
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