Esti ye un canciu del grupu asturianu Nuberu, perpopular dende los años 70-80 n'Asturies poles sos profundes lletres, percomprometíes cola situación llingüística, cultural, social ya política del nuesu país.
Música: ... stiella/0/
Dios te llibre de Castiella
Diez años entardó Roma
n'afincate tola espuela
y fuisti en Covadonga
la primer nacionaliega.
Y xuntu a Gonzalo Pelaez
-cutia la hestoria llariega-
derrotesti tres vegaes
al mesmu rei de Castiella.
Dempués el llobu extranxeru
púnxote la cara prieta
sacó l'oru de les mines
dexote probe en to tierra.
Entós solina n'ochobre
dexesti un pocu la cueva
fasta ponete en comuña
otra vez cabezalera.
Contra'l silenciu y el mieu
de la posguerra cabera
en llevantate dafechu
tamien fusti la primera.
Per eso Asturies del alma
el pasau nun lu escaezas
y lu escaeces un día:
¡Dios te llibre de Castiella!
Dios te llibre de Castiella
Dios te llibre de Castiella...
This is a song by the Asturian music group Nuberu, very popular since the 70's-80's for their deep lyrics, full of compromise wit the linguistic, cultural, social and political situation of our country.
Music: ... stiella/0/
May God deliver you from Castiella (Castile)
Teen years took to Rome
to put its spurs on you
and you were in Covadonga
the first patriot of all.
Alongside with Gonzalo Pelaez
-close to the homeland history-
you defeated three times
the same king of Castile.
After that the foreign wolf
made your face black
took out the coal of your mines
left you poor in your own land.
Then alone in October
you left a bit the cave
until put in common
in the head once again.
Against the silence and the fear
of the last postwar
in overcoming and rising
you were also the first one.
Thus, Asturies of my soul,
the past forget you not!
and in case you forget it:
May God deliver you from Castile!
May God deliver you from Castile
May God deliver you from Castile...
Dios te llibre de Castiella/May God deliver you from Castile
Group & solo; voice, bagpipe, guitar, drum, etc.<br>
Banda y solo; voz, gaita, guitarra, tambor, etc.
Banda y solo; voz, gaita, guitarra, tambor, etc.
Moderators: mariamatoyos, Chris, Moderators
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