Cebollas rellenas - Stuffed onions

Recipes for berza, cabbage, green beans, kale, potatoes, etc.<br>
Recetas para berza, col, judias verdes, col rizada, patatas, etc.

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Cebollas rellenas - Stuffed onions

Post by Jasm »

Un poco de historia de las cebollas rellenas a través de recetas por el mundo
A little history of stuffed onions through recipes around the world ... nions.html

I apologize for my English (I don't speak English)
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Post by Art »

Thanks, JASM! What kinds of stuffings (the ingredients you put in the onion) are most common in Asturias?


¡Gracias, JASM! ¿Cuáles rellenos (lo que se pone dentro las cebollas) son más comunes en Asturias?
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Post by Jasm »

Art, yo pienso que de bonito, como empezaron en El Entrego después de la Guerra Civil (1936 - 1939).
Art, I think it's of tuna, as they started in El Entrego, after the Civil War (1936-1939).

I apologize for my English (I don't speak English)
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Post by Art »

Ah, sí, tienes razón, JASM! Con tu ayuda, recuerdo vagamente que una prima lo hizo con bonito. Supongo que se pueda rellenar con lo que querría.


Ah, yes, you're right, JASM! With your help, now I remember vaguely that a cousin made it with tuna. I suppose that one could make it with anything they wanted.
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