Historical Mystery

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Manuell Alvarez
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Historical Mystery

Post by Manuell Alvarez »

Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles is depicted in paintings on the internet as having the Red Cross of St. James on his tunic and cape. The Knights of St. James carried the same cross into battle during the occupation of Spain. They were believed to be a Masonic order of knights similar to the French Knights Templars. The Knights Templars were a religious order who were defenders of Cross. To be a member one had to be of the nobility class.

According to a popular novelist who wrote about Spain, The Knights Order of St. James were disbanded by King Ferdinand in 1492; however, one sees the Cross displayed in the mid to late 1500's, after Ferdinand's reign. King Ferdinand was noted in some articles to be the Grand Master of the Order of St. James.

Is it possible that the Knights Order of St. James funded the founding of the City of St. Augustine and Florida, and that Admiral Menendez was a member of the religious order?

Hopefully, there is someone in the forum who has a historical background and knowledge who can help with this mystery.
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Marta Elena Díaz García
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Post by Marta Elena Díaz García »

Hi Manuell,
the cross that Pedro Menendez has is the Cross of Santiago, also called Cross of St. James. St. James the Greater (Santiago el Mayor) is the patron of the Order of Santiago. This military order of knights protected pilgrims visiting Santiago's shrine. In the Santiago's Way they also built staffed hospitals.

What I do not know if they were also a Masonic Order.
There are many pictures of famous Spanish people who were knights of the Orden of Santiago (e.g. Velazquez, Hernán Cortés, Francisco Pizarro, Quevedo..)
In this link you can see many of them:

http://www.ordenesmilitares.es/orden-de ... eimagenes/

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