Jesus Castro

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Jesus Castro

Post by zancañeru »

Jesus Castro joi porteru del Real Sporting de Xixon. Xugo na selesion olimpica española nos años 70. Lesionose nuna costiella, y nun pudio xugar fúbol. Elli jezo un gran serviciu a otros fubolistas que nu eren millonarios. Joi tal Tribunal Supremu y dempues de años de llucha, los xueces reconocierony'l drechu a tener una paga por nun poder trabayar nel so oficiu.

Tando na playa Pechón, tirose a rescatar dos nenos. Trexo los nenos pala oriella, y ajogóse al nun pode salir dun remolín.

Jesus Castro was the goalkeeper of Real Sporting de Gijon. He played for the Olympic football team in the 70s. After an injury in a rib, he could not play football. He made a great service to those football players who happen not to be millionaires. He went all the way up to the Supreme Court, and after years of legal fight, the judges ruled that he was entitled to an injury benefit as he could not perform as a football player.

While enjoying himself at Pechon Beach, he jumped to rescue two small boys. He managed to bring them back safe, and drawn after as he could not get out of a whirl.
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Post by Terechu »

Muy buen ejemplo, Jesús Castro se merece un recuerdo por dar su vida para salvar a aquellos críos.

A very good example, Jesús Castro deserves to be remembered for giving his life to save those two kids from drowning.

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