hola/hello from the ayalgueru: Sergio Muñiz

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hola/hello from the ayalgueru: Sergio Muñiz

Post by ayalgueru »

Hola a toos y a tooes ! :)

Llamome Sergio Muñiz tengo 30 años y tamien toy emigrau pero de primera xeneracion , xixones de nacencia y de crianza , asturianu y del sporting y del ciares !( pero non sectariu )
Llevo vivendo en gran bretaña unos 6 años y la verda ye que toy encantau y prestame muncho la vieya y bona inglaterra aunquye nun descarto volver a moveme … che sera sera ,,, soy consultor de proyectos y lo que mas me presta nesta vida son los oricios y les parroches y la bona compañia d'amigos y familia.
Atopar esti website prestome abondo porque yo tamien soy un asturianu nel mundu de fala inglesa ( la parte europea ) y muches de les discusiones del foru resultenme interesantes. Ye un puntu de encuetru muy curiosu pa asturianos de munchos paises.
Eso eso si en llegando vacaciones suelo tirar pa xixon , por exemplu mañana mesmu que voy pa un par de semanes !

Saludos !


Hello to all ! :)

My name Sergio Muñiz I am 30 years old and I am an also asturian abroad but first generation , born and bred in xixon , asturianu and a sporting ( and ciares ) supporter but non sectarian )
I have been living in britain for the last 6 years and I love good old england but may be one day I do not rule out a change on that may be one day … che sera sera ,,, I am a project consultant and the things I enjoy the most are eating sea urchins ( oh dear … this sounds awfully strange in english :P !!! ) and the company of friends and family.
Finding this site was great since I am also an asturian in the english speaking world ( european branch ) and many of the discussions of the forum are very interesting and relevant to me. This is nice meeting point for all asturians in the world.
Having said all that I love going to xixon on mi holidays ,,, tomorrow I am off for 2 weeks ! And I can't wait

Greetings ,,,
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!Nos alegra que hemos encuentrado!


We're glad you found us!
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