The resurgence and impeding demise of the asturian language
Asturian is a Romance language spoken in the territory of the Principality of Asturias (Northern Iberian Peninsula), nowadays in decline due to the strong political pressures of Castilian. Although in the last few years some protective and linguistic planning measures have been taken, the Asturian language does not yet enjoy the official status of other hispanic languages such as Catalan, Basque, or Galician since the advent of democracy and the autonomous system in Spain. The Asturian situation is, in fact, paradoxical, since, in spite of sociological studies evincing a general support in asturian people for official status and linguistic normalization this demand is thwarted by the averse attitude of certain political and academic local élites who block, by means of their influence, any advancement in this direction. Recent studies, one of the most recent ones made by professor Xulio Viejo, analyze the historical and sociological keys of linguistic shift in Asturies exemplified by the peculiar situation of Asturian Language Teaching at the University of Uviéu, which has recently been in danger of becoming banned. The lingüístic repression in Asturies and its consequent lack of human lingüístic rights has been reported on a study made by the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana, the asturian language accademy, and reported to United Nations office for human rights. The Council of Europe has recently denounced the actual socialist government of Asturies for its responsabilities in the lingüístic policy of repression and its obstacles in the normalization of the asturian and its lack of support for this endangered and minorized hispanic language.
Resurgence of asturian and political repression
Vocabulary & grammar of Asturian & Bable, comparisons with Castilian.<br>
Vocabulario y gramática de asturianu y bable, comparaciones con castellano
Vocabulario y gramática de asturianu y bable, comparaciones con castellano
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