My e-mail
Their responseMessage: On the article ‘Tsunami risk of asteroid strikes revealed’ the
following statement is made "Hurricane Katrina became America's worst
natural disaster in living memory"
I would like to point out some of America's natural disasters in living
Peru: earthquake, 1970, 70,000 deaths
Haiti: hurricane Flora, 1963, 7,200 deaths
Honduras: hurricane Fifi, 1974, 8,000 deaths
Mexico: hurricane Mitch, 1998, 10,000 deaths
According to estimates of the 'Sistema de Integracion CentroAmericana'
over 5,000 people die each year in hurricanes in Central America.
Hurricane Mitch in 1998 alone caused over 10,000 deaths and losses of
more than 5 billion dollars.
Please check basic facts like these before you publish, if New Scientist
meant to say "Hurricane Katrina became United States worst natural
disaster in living memory" it would've been accurate, but that is not
what New Scientist said.
Link ... eroid-stri
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
Eli xxx Xxxxx
Dear Eli,
Thank you for your email. You are absolutely right, of course. I am
afraid that was an oversight on my part. I have corrected it now.
Thank you for taking the time to write and let me know.
Kind regards,
Sean (edited out to comply with forum rules)
Online Sub-Editor
New Scientist
Email: (edited out to comply with forum rules)