Wishing Elí well - Deseandole lo mejor a Elí

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Wishing Elí well - Deseandole lo mejor a Elí

Post by Art »

I'm sorry to have to report to you that one of our members, Elí, was been involved in a very serious accident in March and is still recuperating in the hospital. If anyone would like to send him a card, email me for his address.

We send you our warm thoughts and prayers, Elí!


Lamento muchísimo reportearos que uno de nuestros socios, Elí, le vio envuelto en un accidente muy grave en marzo y está recuperando todavía en el hospital. Si te anima enviarle una carta, enviame un correo electrónico para pedir su dirección.

¡Te enviamos los pensmientos cariñosos y plegarias sinceras, Elí!
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Post by Terechu »

Gracias por avisarnos, Art. A mí me extrañaba que Elí hubiera "desaparecido" del foro de la noche a la mañana, con lo activo y leal que es y me temía que algo hubiera pasado.
Yo voy a enviarle una tarjeta al hospital, porque además es muy buena persona. Algunos os acordaréis que me ayudó a buscar y encontró a una antigua compañera de clase mía chilena, haciendo llamadas intercontinentales a Chile y toda la pesca.

Elí, si lees esto: aguanta ahí y ten paciencia, pero haz preguntas a tus médicos, que no se duerman en los laureles y no sean negligentes.

Un abrazo muy fuerte y que te mejores pronto.
Thanks for letting us know, Art. I was wondering about his sudden "disappearance" from the forum, him being so active and loyal, and I was afraid something might have happened.
I will send him a get-well card to the hospital, because he's a great guy. Some of you may remember that he helped me look for and actually found an old Chilean school friend of mine, by making intercontinental phone calls to Chile and the whole works.

Elí, if you can read this: Hang on in there and be patient, but do ask your doctors questions, make sure they don't neglect their duties by you.
A big hug and get well soon!

Barbara Alonso Novellino
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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »

Like Terechu Art, Thank You for letting us know about Eli. I am also going to send him a Get well Card. I missed him wondering what happend to him. Thanks Art for researching this and ledtting us all know.

I didn't always agree with Eli, but enjoyed reading his posts. Hopefully he will be back soon.

If you read this Eli...my Prayers to you for a Speedy Recovery.

Barbara Alons Novellino

Trad. Terechu
Como Terechu, gracias Art por avisarnos de lo de Elí. Yo también le voy a enviar una tarjeta deseándole una pronta recuperación. Le echaba de menos y me preguntaba qué habría pasado. Art, gracias por indagar y avisarnos.
No siempre estuve de acuerdo con Elí, pero me gustaba leer sus mensajes. Espero que vuelva pronto.
Si lees esto, Elí.... rezaré por que te recuperes pronto.
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Post by Betty »

Art, thank you for sharing Eli's information & address with me. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he received a "Shower" of cards from all over the world from his Asturian- American web-mates!?!
I never realized what a card could do until my sister was very ill for months. Reading her cards to her was one of the highlights of her day. When she was finally in a room and then therapy hospital, we posted her cards on walls, etc. so she could enjoy them. Small gestures make huge differences during long, difficult days of rehabilitation. She is doing very well now - and still has all her cards.
So, I am challenging our forum friends to " Shower Eli " with cards.
On another note, Thanks to you, Art, and all the others who make this website possible.
Betty Vega Fockler
Art, gracias por facilitarme los datos y dirección de Eli. ¿No sería maravilloso si recibiera una avalancha de tarjetas de todo el mundo de sus compañeros del foro astur-americano?
Nunca supe el efecto que podía tener una tarjeta hasta que mi hermana tuvo una larga enfermedad de meses. Uno de los momentos culminantes del día era cuando le leía sus tarjetas. Cuando finalmente la pasaron a una habitación y luego al hospital de rehabilitación le pusimos las tarjetas en las paredes, etc. para que pudiera disfrutar viéndolas. Los pequeños gestos tienen una gran valor durante los largos y difíciles días de rehabilitación. Ahora ya está muy bien - y todavía tiene todas las tarjetas.
De modo que animo a todos los foreros a que cubramos a Eli con tarjetas.
Por otra parte, gracias a Art y a todos los que hacéis esta página web una realidad.
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Post by Art »

I'm happy to report that I saw Elí today and he's doing much better than his doctors expected. Although he's got a long ways to go yet, he's making progress, largely because of his being in good condition before the accident and his being a very motivated person. I suspect that it will be some time before he is able to get around on his own, although I'm sure he'll be figuring out how to speed that along.

Fortunately, he's still the same funny, smart, stubborn, and alternative-thinking guy we've grown to love.

I also had the pleasure of meeting his mother, sister, brother and sister-in-law. He's fortunate to have them living within a few hours of the hospital.

Elí asked me to thank everyone who has sent greetings.

I'm sure that he'd appreciate hearing from you! Email me if you want the address.


Me alegra divulgar que vi Elí hoy y a que está haciendo mucho progreso más rápido que sus doctores habían esperados. Aunque le queda mucha distancia todavía, está haciendo progreso en gran parte debido a su buena condición antes del accidente y su personalidad motivada. Sospecho que será un rato antes de que pueda andar por su propio esfuerzo, aunque es cierto que calculará hacia cómo adelantar.

Afortunadamente, sigue siendo el mismo individuo divertido, elegante, obstinado, y de pensamiento alternativa a quien hemos llegado a querer.

También tuve el placer conocer a su madre, hermana, hermano y cuñada. Él tiene mucha suerte que viven pocas horas del hospital.

Elí me pidió que agradeciera a cada uno que ha enviado saludos.

Estoy seguro que le gustaría oír de tú. Dime si quieres su dirección de hospital.
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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »

Thank you Art on your update on Eli. Like Betty said...it would be nice to shower him with Get Well Cards to let him know we are all thinking about him and wish him a speedy recovery...

My card is in the mail...and I hope it puts a smile on his face.

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Post by Mafalda »

Mis mejores deseos para Eli, espero su pronta recuperación y volver a leer sus post cuanto antes, él es un "cachondo mental" :wink: , seguro que su fuerza y su alegria de vivir le ayudan a superar cuanto antes estos momentos dificiles ¡animo Eli!, te esperamos

Toda mi familia y mis amigos, te enviamos un fuerte abrazo
Art, enviame su dirección, por favor. Gracias
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Update on Elí

Post by Art »

¡Qué familia tienes, Mafalda!

Hablé con Elí hoy. Me dijo que está mejorando y que un médico le dijo que es posible que en dos o tres meses regresará tener una vida más o menos normal. Parece que su columna y sus órganos internos están curando, pero hoy en día hay dolores y mucho trabajo recuperar sus capacidades fiscas hacer cosas que hace poco le parecía fácil, como andar o vestirse.

Elí quiere decir a sus amigos de AsturianUS.org que agradece muchísmo las cartas y deseos que le enviateis. Creo que le sorprendí. Un día quiere escribiros su mismo, pero de momento no tiene acceso internet.


What a family you have Mafalda!

I spoke with Elí today. He told me that he's getting better and that a doctor told him that it's possible that in two or three months he'll return to a more or less normal life. It appears that his spine and his internal organs are healing, but these days he's got a good deal of pain and it's a lot of work to rebuild his physical ability to do what once seemed simple, like walking and getting dressed.

Elí wants to tell his friends at AsturianUS.org that he really appreciates the cards and wishes you sent him. I think it surprised him. One day he hopes to write you himself but he doesn't have internet access yet.
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Post by Art »

I'm pleased to report that Elí is back home. He's making very fast progress, although he's still has a ways to go.

It's hard to imagine how he'll manage given that (I think) he uses a walker to move from one place to get around, but Elí is nothing if not inventive and persistent.

By the way, this means that the old address I sent to some of you is no longer valid. Let me know if you'd like his home address.


Me alegra daros parte de que Elí está en casa. Está progresando rápidamente aunque todavía le queda mucha distancia.

Es difícil imaginar como puede hacerlo, dado que todavía (creo) usa una andador para desplazarse, pero Elí es nada si no es ingenioso y persistente.

A propósito, esta novedad significa que la dirección que os di a algunos socios anteriormente ya no es válida. Dime si quieres su dirección en casa.
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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »



So happy he is home. Hopefully he will post soon. I would like his home address I was about to send him another card.


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Post by Eli »

Hola todos,

Muchísimas gracias por todos los buenos deseos y las tarjetas, aunque parezca mentira recibir esas tarjetas cuando estaba en el hospital hacen que uno se sienta mejor, nunca me lo hubiera imaginado. De nuevo gracias a todos los que mandaron tarjetas, mas adelante les respondo personalmente por ahora como que el concentrarme aun me causa un esfuerzo, leo una pagina en la pc y salgo a descansar, eso de estar inconsciente por una semana aparentemente afecta como/cuanto trabaja el cerebro.

trans. Art

Hello to everyone,

Many thanks for all the good wishes and the cards, although it may be hard to believe, receiving those cards while in the hospital makes one feel better. I never would have imagined [how much]. Once again, thanks to everyone who sent me cards. Later on I will respond personally, but for now concentrating on one thing still takes a lot of effort. I read one screen on the computer and then have to rest. This is apparently the result of having been unconscious for a week, which affects how and how much the brain functions.

Best wishes,
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Post by Bob »


Welcome back! I hope the hard times are over quickly and the good times come back soon.

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Post by Xose »

Whoa. How did I miss this? Sorry to hear about your accident, Eli! Here's wishing you well. I hope you feel better soon!

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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »

Eli....so glad to see you back.

Take care of yourself and don't rush the recovery...it will come in time.

We were all so very sorry to hear about your accident..but now thats all behind you and everyday you will get better.

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Post by Terechu »

Hey Eli, we missed you, welcome back! It's great news to hear that you're back home and walking a little bit already. As to your brain, I'm sure you can train it back to its full potential by and by. As Barbara says, don't rush anything, but stick to your program relentless, it'll pay off.
A big hug to you.
Hey Eli, te echábamos de menos. Bienvenido de vuelta! Es una gran noticia que ya estés en casa y que ya andes un poco. En cuento al cerebro, seguro que puedes volver a pleno potencial poco a poco. Como dice Bárbara, no corras, pero sigue tu programa de recuperación con tenacidad, merece la pena.
Un fuerte abrazo

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