Que satisfacción tan grande es poder estar. mostrar y compartir con compañeros y visitantes un día como el sábado pasado 28 de abril en el que 4 personas conocidas en este foro Art, Natalia, Paul y este que escribe (Alfonso) hemos compartido en el Festival Celta del Sur de Maryland.
Acompañados de un día con "Celtic weather" en la madrugada pero radiante de sol y energía durante el día.
Por primera vez participábamos en este gran evento representando a Asturias junto a los superexperimentados vecinos celtas del Norte en estas funciones (aqui en este pais) con muchos mas recursos, con muchas mas manos etc... pero no con mas ganas, cariño ni entusiasmo como se demostró al cierre del festival en la ceremonia final cuando nos han otorgado el premio a la mejor representación del festival !!!
Puxa Asturias!
Muchisimas gracias Natalia por el madrugón, por ir ataviada con el traje astur,y gaita. Gracias Paul por tus explicaciones a la xente y las ganas que le pusiste y gracias Art por tu dedicación minuciosa a todo detalle (Y por las fotos)
A ver si esto anima a alguien mas del foro y se nos une para similares eventos en el futuro.
trans. Art
How wonderfully satisfying it is to be together, showing [off Asturias], and sharing with friends and visitors on a day like last Saturday, April 28th. That's what happened when four people known on this forum -- Art, Natalia, Paul [Is], and the present author (Alfonso) -- took part in the Celtic Festival of Southern Maryland.
We had a bit of "Celtic weather" in the early morning, but the sun became brilliant and energetic during the day.
This was the first time that we participated in this great event, representing Asturias alongside our northern Celtic neighbors, who are much more experienced in these events (here in this country) and who have many more resources and many more hands [to help], etc. But they can't match our desire, affection, and enthusiasm, as was demonstrated at the festival's closing ceremony when they honored us with the prize for the best [clan] delegation to the festival!!!
Let's see if this encourages someone else from the forum to join us for similar events in the future.
Up with Asturias!
Many thanks, Natalia, for getting up so very early and for going dressed in your Asturian outfit and [showing off] your gaita. Thanks, Paul, for your explanations to the people and for the spirit you gave the event. And thanks, Art, for your thorough dedication to every detail (and for the photos you took).
Best wishes,
Gran éxito de la presentacion Astur en Maryland Celtic Fest
Happenings of interest to forum participants.<br>
Sucesos de interés a foreros.
Sucesos de interés a foreros.
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