llonxe/lloñe - far - lejos

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llonxe/lloñe - far - lejos

Post by is »

llonxe: pronounced yohn-SHAY (in the Western counties, pronounced tson-SHAY). lloñe: pronounced yohn-YAY in Central Asturian. alverbiu (adverb). Far; to, from or at a considerable distance; remote.
Usage: Tamos l.lonxe de Pradiel.la, inda faltan 13 kilómetros pa chegar. (We’re far from Pradiel.la; there are still 13 kilometers to go.)
A lo lloñe ya afumen los fogares d’embaxo la cordal. (In the distance, you can see plumes of smoke rising from the houses flanking the mountains.)
Idiomatic use: Al.lonxeime muitos anos ya agora nun me conoz la xente de Cangas. (I was far away for many years and now people in Cangas don’t recognize me.) al.lonxase: pronounced a-tson-SHA-say. To stray far afield.
Nel mapa pon que nun tamos mui alloñaos de la cuova. (The map says we’re not too far from the cave. alloñau: pronounced a-yohn-YOW. To be a distance away from something or somewhere.
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Post by Terechu »

Thanks, Is! I always wondered what the word "chueñe" (llueñe) meant and I believe I just found out. Could it be a variant of "lloñe", far?

I believe it's in the song "Nun puedo subir al puertu" (que está chueñe la cabaña).
Does anybody know the song?

Gracias, Is. Nunca supe que quería decir la palabra "chueñe" y creo que acabo de enterarme. ¿Podría ser una variante de "lloñe"?

Creo que la oí en la canción "Nun puedo subir al puertu" (que está chueñe la cabaña).
¿Alguien la conoce?
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