seique: pronounced SAY-kay. Alverbiu (adverb). An idiomatic term indicating doubt; maybe; perhaps; perchance; conceivably; feasibly. As an idiom, often used as: could be, might be, weather permitting, God willing, not impossibly.
Usage examples: Los resultaos, seique, nun fonon tan malos. (The results, maybe, were not all that bad.)
Si nun chove pula nueite, seique vou dir al Estoupo con Xuan. (If it doesn’t rain tonight, I might go up to the Estoupo with Xuan.)
Seique se l.lievan (pronounced TSIE-van) mal. Nun los axuntar pal casoriu. (Maybe they don’t get along. Don’t put them together at the wedding.)
Seique si, seique non. (Maybe, maybe not.)
Idiomatic usage of seiquesi
1st person: Pesquei una truita que pesaba 8 kilos. (I fished a trout that weighed 8 kilos.)
2nd person: Si, ho, seiquesi! (Yeah, right!)
seique – maybe –quizá
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