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Post by Art »

Hola, Mafalda,

Bueno, como no tenemos ningún empleado, no somos "aquí" todo a todos horas o aún todas días. Cuándo hay muchos mensajes o la tema no me interesa mucho, los leo rápidamente. No tengo tiempo para leer cada mensaje cuidadosamente. Y creo que probablemente paso más tiempo aquí que muchos socios. Esos son los hechos de nuestras vidas, ¿no?

Entiendo la rabia. Pero dado nuestra situcación, me interesa más esto: ¿Cómo arreglaremos esa situación?

Tengo dos ideas. Primero es que no nos ayuda a nadie si adivinamos los motivaciones sobre los quienes no hacen lo que queremos. No se puede saber los motivos o la situación de otra persona. Y - como encuotré esta semana con otros amigos - cuando adivino motivos, muchas veces me equivoqué totalmente. (Sí, me dio vergüenza.) Por eso, es importante preocuparme sólo conmigo. Y efectivamente soy el único que puedo cambiar, ¿verdad?

Bueno, hay un "arco iris" dentro de esta idea, porque presupone que uno puede hacer algo su mismo.

La idea segunda es que si quieres que alguien traduce un poste, usa correo electrónico para pedirlo. Ya es evidente que escribirlo en un mensaje de foro no funciona bien.

Igualmente, si quiere que alguien cambia un error de cálculo importante en un mensaje del foro, dinos. Podemos los moderadores arreglarlo. Y lo nos alegraría.

Hoy mismo cambiaré el fondo del cada página del sitio para que allí se encuentra un enlace de emilio para los moderadores y traductores. Por favor usa este enlace cuando quieres una traducción. Bueno, también, es posible que tenga que recordarnos si no lo hacemos dentro de un o dos días.

¡¿Dos días?! Sí, pero lo dejo hasta luego un discusión sobre el tiempo internet.

¡Hasta pronto, amiga!


Hello, Mafalda,

Well, since we don't have any employees, we aren't "here" at all hours or even every day. When there are many messages or the topic doesn't interest me greatly, I read them quickly. I don't have time to read every message carefully. And I think that I probably spend more time here than many of our members. These are the facts of our lives, aren't they?

I understand the annoyance. But given our situation, I'm more interested in this: How can we fix this situation?

I have two ideas. First is that we don't help anyone if we guess about the motivations of those who don't do what we want. One can't know the motives or situation of another. And - as I've seen just this week with other friends - when I try to guess motivations, many times I get them totally wrong. (Yes, I thoroughly embarrass myself.) For this reason, it's important that I worry just about myself. And in essence, I'm the only person I can change, right?

Well, there is a "rainbow" in this idea, because it presupposes that one can do something oneself.

The second idea is that if you want someone to translate a message, use email to ask for that. It's already clear that writing about the need in a forum message doesn't work.

Similarly, if you want someone to correct an error in a message, tell us by email. We moderators can fix it. And we'd be happy to do so.

Today I will change the bottom of every page on the website so that there you will find a link for the email address of the moderators and translators. Please use this link if you want a translation. Well, you might also have to remind us if we don't do a translation within a day or two.

Two days?! Yes, but I'll leave for later a discussion of internet time.

I'll be back soon, my friend!
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A web forum doesn't have to be simultaneous

Post by Art »

A telephone call is simultaneous. The people on either end of the line have to be on the phone at the same time or it doesn't work.

But time on the internet doesn't have to be simultaneous. Although we can see each others' messages within seconds of them being posted, we don't have to be online at the same time to participate. Often someone will see an old message months or years later and respond. Yes, the old thread was sleeping, but as soon as someone responds, it's dancing again.

So, feel free to add a message to a thread that has been dormant for a while. Sometimes it's good to take time to "sit on the egg" (a topic) for a while so we can come back to it with a different perspective.


El tiempo internet no debe ser un tiempo simultáneo.

Una llamada telefónica es simultánea. La gente a ambos extremos de la línea tienen que ser por teléfono al mismo tiempo o no funciona.

Pero el tiempo sobre el Internet no tiene que ser simultáneo. Aunque podamos ver los mensajes de otras personas dentro de unos segundos después de ser puesto, no tenemos que ser en línea al mismo tiempo para participar. A menudo alguien verá un mensaje unos meses o años más tarde y responderá. Sí, el hilo estaba durmiendo, pero en cuanto alguien responde, el hilo danza otra vez.

Entonces, puedes añadir un mensaje a un hilo que ha sido inactivo un ratito. A veces está bien si dejamos un rato "empollar un huevo" (un tema) un ratito, para que podemos volverle con una perspectiva diferente.
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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »

To The Translators in the Forum.

Wow! I find some of the comments by members to be rather harsh. The translators are not employees of the Forum. I am sure they have jobs, families and everything else most of us have. They do this on their free time. If you will notice a lot of Art's posts and translations are far into the night.

I for one want to thank all you Translators for a job well done. If there is a post you want translated, you can ask and I am sure it will be done. I am at a disadvantage...I read a little Spanish enough to get through a small post...but when it comes to the volumes in some posts, I have a problem. There have been times when I aksed for a particular post to be translated...and it has been.

Gracias to the few we have...hope you keep it up... :P

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Post by Mafalda »


...Y es que saltais como liebres, me explico, en mi primer post de este hilo escribí que la asignatura pendiente del foro eran las traducciones, en otro lugar escribí que mi asignatura pendiente es el ingles, algun dia lo aprenderé, pero ¡ me da una pereza...! en el fondo, lo que espero es que mis nietos sean bilingües. :lol:

En el segundo post, lo que explico es que no espero que todos mis mensajes sean traducidos, es mas, explico que me han llamado "plasta"por algunos de ellos, y si lo publico será porque lo tengo asumido ¿no?, asi que por favor, no os metais conmigo, entiendo todos los razonamientos y ademas, los comparto.

Puesto que no soy angloparlante, me resulta muy dificil seguir algunos hilos, me ayudo con el "reverso" y mas o menos lo voy consiguiendo, si no tuviera interés, no haria este esfuerzo y hace tiempo que habria abandonado ¿no creeis?.

Entiendo que Terechu se haya sentido aludida cuando hablaba de los posts de Roberto, no podia ser de otra manera, puesto que en aquel momento eras tu la única traductora que andaba por aqui, pero creeme si te digo que nada mas lejos de mi intención, yo estaba expresando mis frustraciones, Art nos pidió ideas positivas y negativas y yo intentaba (ya veo que sin conseguirlo) expresar mis sentimientos, es decir, lo que me provoca el foro cuando su ritmo no se corresponde con el mio (¿me explico?), esto no quiere decir que no entienda la dificultad del trabajo de los traductores y no lo agradezca, solo quiero decir que el foro es asi, que este es un problema, ¡ojala algun dia consigamos solucionarlo!
asi que "Susanita" nun te enfades y que haiga paz, que tampocu ye pa tanto :wink:

trans. Art

[Art: In the cartoon above... the teacher says, "If you didn't understand, raise your hand." Manolito, the little boy, raises his hand. The teacher says, "Let's see, Manolito, what is it that you haven't understood?" He replies, "From March until now, nothing!"]

... And you leap like hares. I'll explain, in my first post of this thread I wrote that the unresolved issue of the forum was the translations, in another place I wrote that my unresolved issue is the English language, someday I will learn it, but I can't be bothered ...! In the end, I'm hoping that grandsons will be bilingual. :lol:

In the second post, what I explained is that I do not expect that all my messages be translated, moreover, I make clear that I have been called a "bore" [plasta] for some of them, and if I published the things, it's because I have it assumed responsibility [for them], right? So please don't pickon me, I understand all the reasonings and, what is more, I share [agree with] them.

Since I am not an English-speaker, it makes it very difficult for me to follow some threads, I help myself with "Reverso" [online translation service] and I'm more or less getting it. If I didn't have an interest [in this] , I wouldn't make this effort and would have left some time ago, don't you think?

I understand that Terechu has felt alluded to when I was speaking about Roberto's posts. I couldn't have been otherwise, since in that moment you were the only translator there, but believe me if I say to you that was the furthest thing from my intentions. I was expressing my frustrations. Art asked us for positive and negative ideas and I was trying (already I see that I didn't succeed) to express my feelings. That is to say, what ticks me off about the forum when its pace [rhythm] does not match mine (I hope I'm explaining that well). This does not mean that I don't understand the difficulty of the work of the translators or that I'm not grateful for it; I only want to say that the forum is like this, that this is a problem. Let's hope that one day we'll manage to solve it!

May "Susanita" never make you angry and may peace reign, and it's really not a big deal. [?? Art: I'm not sure about that last phrase: tampocu ye pa tanto] :wink:
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Post by Mafalda »

Art: No se trata de que quiera que corrijais un error en uno de mis posts. Tampoco se trata de que quiera que nadie adivine mis pensamientos ¡¡¡ hasta ahi podiamos llegar !!! Pero recuerda que fuiste tu quien pidió ideas positivas y negativas. Se trata de constatar una realidad: Los miembros de este foro son poco o nada curiosos, entendiendose por "curiosidad" el afán de saber.

Y no me refiero a ti, ni a ninguno de los otros 10 o 12 miembros activos, me refiero a todos (los 723)

Este foro tiene muchos lectores, pero pocos escritores (He visto hilos con mas de 1.000 lecturas), lo cual quiere decir que la mayoria solo entran para leer de forma pasiva lo que otros hayan querido decir, sin ninguna intención de participar ¿me explico?.

Podriamos elaborar una estadistica: ¿cuantos socios han escrito 0 mensajes? ¿cuantos mas de 1 y menos de 5? ¿cuantos entre 5 y 10? etc. Seria útil compararlo con el nº de lecturas, de respuestas etc. Yo soy muy realista, nunca seria capaz de decir que 184 mensajes en 2 años y pico, es colaborar practicamente una vez al dia. Tampoco sabria, si alguien me pide mis impresiones, sean buenas o malas, decir solo las buenas, y no entiendo porqué de todo lo que he escrito os habeis quedado solo con lo malo, con lo bonito que me habia quedado aquello de
---¿Por qué participas en el foro?
Esta preguntita se las trae, es de "nota"...no se, quizas por lo que explicaba al principio, "me llama", quiero saber de mi gente, se que si hoy doy un paseo por Piedras Blancas, Salinas, Arnao, me encontraré con un monton de gente conocida, algunos de ellos incluso son de mi familia mas o menos cercana, y desde que encontré este foro, soy consciente de que en algún lugar de EE.UU, hay una "burbuja" de gente que tiene esos mismos lazos conmigo, Annmoore, Moundsville, Clarksburg, Donora...
Bien, disfrutad del congreso, os lo mereceis, y yo, como resulta evidente, estoy verde de envidia de no poder estar alli :wink:

Saludinos :D

trans. Art

Art: it is not a question of wanting you to correct a mistake in one of my posts. It is not also a question of wanting anyone to guess my thoughts - even if we could achieve that!!! But remember that you were the one who asked for positive and negative ideas. It is a question of stating a reality: The members of this forum are only minimally or not at all curious, if we define "curious" as "eagerness to learn".

And I refer neither to you, nor to any of other 10 or 12 active members. I refer to all (the 723).

This forum has many readers, but few writers. (I have seen threads with more than 1,000 views), which is to say that the majority only enter to read in a passive form what others have wanted to say, without any intention of taking part. Have I explained myself?

We could elaborate on the statistics: How many members have written no messages? How many have written more than 1 and less of 5? How many have written between 5 and 10? And so on. It would be useful to compare it with the number of message views, number of answers, etc. I am very much a realist, I'd never be capable of saying [Art: I'm not sure: that someone should write?? that I'd write??] 184 messages in 2+ years, which would mean contributing practically once a day. Neither would I know, if anybody asks for my impressions me, whether they be good or bad, [that I should] say only the good ones, and I do not understand why of everything what I have written you've only deal with the bad thing, with the nice thing that I've said being this:
Mafalda wrote:---Why do you take part in the forum?
This little question is tough, it "stands out" ... I don't know, perhaps because of what I was explaining initially, "it calls me". I want to know about my people. I know that if today I were to take a walk [paseo] in Piedras Blancas, Salinas, Arnao, I would meet many people I know, some of them are even members of my family, more or less closely related. And since I found this forum, am conscious that somewhere in the US, there is a "bubble" of people who have the same ties with me, Anmoore, Moundsville, Clarksburg, Donora....
Well, enjoy the congress, you've earned it, and I, as may be clear, I am green with envy for not being able to be there. :wink:
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Post by Art »

Yes, Mafalda, what you wrote about your reasons for participating on the forum was beautiful. JoAnne told me yesterday that it is "poetic" and that I should quote it in my presentation. I probably will, too! So, I do thank you.

I did ask for negative and positive feedback. And I'm really glad you brought up the translation problem. I think we all recognize that we don't have the resources to fix this problem. But at least we've got a possible solution for notifying the translators about a need. So let's try that.


Sí, Mafalda, lo que escribiste sobre tus motivos para participar en el foro es hermoso. JoAnne me dijo ayer que es "poético" y que debería citarlo en mi presentación. ¡Probablemente voy a citarlo! Pues, realmente te agradezco.

Realmente pedí reacciones negativas y positivas. Y estoy realmente contento que llamaste atención al problema de traducción. Pienso que reconocemos que no tenemos los recursos de arreglar este problema. Pero al menos tenemos una solución posible para notificar a los traductores sobre una necesidad. Por eso, lo intentaremos.
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Post by Art »

I'll begin by saying what I hope is obvious: I'm very happy that Carlos and Mafalda take part in the forum. You add a lot to our discussions. I missed Carlos' contributions when he wasn't participating. Obviously, each of us must choose for ourselves how to participate or whether to participate.

The second major theme raised by Mafalda and seconded by Carlos is...

Our membership and their activity on the forum.

I am writing about this partly because I need to prepare my thoughts for the presentation at the symposium, but also to see if anyone else has any thoughts on this topic. In particular, I want to point out that we may be missing that there are a variety of ways to participate in the forum.
Mafalda wrote: [trans. Art] Have you noticed that most of the questions that are asked in the posts go unanswered, and that the questions are at best very few, stories are published and do not seem to provoke the curiosity of anybody, ....
Our members bring different needs, interests, and knowledge to the forum
Our members come in many flavors. On the US side of the ocean, a few of us are interested in intellectual and political discussions. I sense that most aren't, but I could be wrong about that. Many Americans find the forum when they are researching their family genealogy. Some find us when they're looking for information on Asturias: the land, the culture, the foods, etc. The point is that each person comes to the forum with a distinct set of interests.

In contrast, although each Asturian member also has a very personal set of interests, I sense that many of the Asturians come to the forum with a desire to connect with their "cousins", to act as guides to a culture that many Americans have lost contact with, and out of curiosity ("Who are these Asturian-Americans?"). The Asturians tend to be passionate about Asturias, as Carlos so beautifully described above. (Please correct me if I'm not seeing this accurately.)

By the way, did you know that at least half of our members are Asturians? It would be interesting to hear from them why so many register.

I think that those Americans who are new to the forum are amazed by how helpful, enthusiastic, and open the Asturian members are. If an American shows any interest, you're there to guide them. It's really impressive, moving, and very humbling.

Passion for Asturias
How many of the Americans share this passion for Asturias? Sure, it's obvious that Bob, Xose, I, and ?? are smitten. I'd guess that some (or many?) of our American members are curious about Asturias but don't yet know enough about the place and the people to be passionate. Obviously, most of the Americans come to the forum with much less knowledge about Asturias. Many know almost nothing about Asturias. Some can't even spell the word!

I asked my own sister whether she had ever visited the forum. She hadn't. She says she has little interest in surfing the web. She works long hours and spends her leisure time with her family. She is interested in learning more about Asturias and visiting our cousins, but it's not her highest priority. Similarly, many of my cousins appear to know little about Asturias and most of them work long hours, too. (Are you catching this theme? Long work days is a negative aspect of American culture.)

My American family are probably typical of the average descendent of Asturian emigrants. When one of these people come to the forum, the chances are that they'll look for the information that interests them and then disappear. Many of these folks won't bother to register.

The silent majority
Any time I check the forum, I look to see how many of us are on line. You can see this number at the bottom of the forum's main page:
The majority of our visitors are "guests", people who either haven't registered or haven't logged in. A number of our registered members don't login because they rarely post messages, but a number of them have told me that they visit regularly to see what's new on the forum. The point is that there are different ways to participate. Many people just watch what's going on. These "lurkers" are learning something from the forum, even if they don't give us feedback. That's fine. There is no reason to judge them. Do we criticize people for "just" reading a book? Of course, not.

Suronda has suggested that non-participating members might look at the forum and be happy to see that the answers to their questions are already here. After all, if someone finds the forum because of a Google search, there's a good chance that we've already discussed their concern.

Suronda has also pointed out that someone new to the forum will find here answers to questions they would never have thought to ask. That's something to celebrate. With more than 6000 posts, it would take months to read even half of it!

The role of the "Astur-rabid"
I see a key function of the forum as providing a variety of information so that it'll be there when someone does become curious.

A corollary is that the forum regulars are essentially a self-selecting Asturianista elite. Each of us is a resource person in different ways. Over 20 of us have written more than 50 posts. I feel very privileged to work together with this core group to create this community.

Even if it were only the Astur-rabid regulars who were to participate actively over the long haul (and I don't think that is true), that would be okay, just as it's also okay if the rest don't feel a need to be as active. Our differing motivations result in different behaviors.

Well, I remain Astur-rabidly yours,


Comenzaré por decir lo que espero sea obvio: Soy muy feliz que Carlos y Mafalda participan en el foro. Añadís mucho a nuestras discusiones. Echaba yo de menos las contribuciones de Carlos cuando no participaba. Obviamente, cada uno de nosotros debe escoger para nosotros mismos como participar o si queremos participar.

El segundo tema principal planteado por Mafalda y secundado por Carlos es...

Nuestros socios y su actividad sobre el foro.

Escribo sobre esto en parte porque tengo que preparar mis pensamientos para la presentación al simposio, pero también para ver si alguien tiene cualquier pensamiento sobre este asunto. En particular, quiero señalar que es posible que se nos pase que hay una variedad de modos de participar en el foro.
Mafalda escribió ... wrote:[trans. Art] ¿os habeis dado cuenta de que la mayor parte de las preguntas que se hacen en los posts, se quedan sin respuesta ?, y eso que las preguntas son mas bien pocas, se publican historias y no parecen provocar la curiosidad de nadie, ....
Nuestros miembros diferentes en las necesidades, intereses, y conocimientos que traen al foro
Nuestros miembros llegan en muchos "sabores". Por este lado del océano (los EE.UU.), algunos de nosotros estamos interesados en discusiones intelectuales y políticas. Me noto que la mayoría no están así, pero quizás me equivoco. Muchos americanos encuentran el foro cuando investigan la genealogía de su familia. Algunos nos encuentran cuando buscan para información sobre Asturias: la tierra, la cultura, los productos de alimentación, etc. Lo que quiero decir es que cada persona viene al foro con un juego de intereses distinto.

Al contrario, aunque cada socio asturiano también tenga un juego de intereses muy personal, me noto que muchos de los asturianos vienen al foro con un deseo de unirse con sus "primos", actuar como guías a una cultura con que muchos americanos han perdido contacto, y vienen por la curiosidad ("¿Quiénes son estos astur-americanos?"). Los asturianos tienden a ser apasionados sobre Asturies, como Carlos descrito tan maravillosamente encima. (Por favor corríjame si no lo veo con exactitud.)

¿A propósito, sabías que al menos la mitad de nuestros socios son asturianos? Sería interesante tener noticias de ellos sobre por qué tantos registran.

Pienso que cuando los americanos llegan al principio al foro están asombrados porque los socios asturianos son tan serviciales [amables], entusiásticos, y abiertos. Si un americano muestra cualquier interés, estáis allí para guiarle. Es realmente impresionante, conmovedor, y es un lección de humildad.

Pasión para Asturias
¿Cuántos de los americanos comparten esta pasión para Asturias? Seguramente es obvio que Bob, Xose, yo, y ¿¿?? somos verdaderamente locos por Asturias. Adivinaría que unos (¿o muchos?) de nuestros miembros americanos son curioso sobre Asturias, pero aún no saben bastante sobre el lugar y la gente para ser apasionado. Obviamente, la mayor parte de los americanos llegan al foro con mucho menos conocimiento sobre Asturias. Muchos no saben casi nada sobre Asturias. ¡Unos aún no pueden deletrear la palabra!

Pregunté a mi propia hermana si ella alguna vez había visitado el foro. No lo hizo. Dice que tiene poco interés en hacer surf el web. Trabaja horas largas y pasa su tiempo libre con su familia. Está interesada en aprender más sobre Asturias y en visitar a nuestros primos, pero no es su prioridad más alta. Asimismo muchos de mis primos aparecen saber poco sobre Asturias y la mayor parte de ellos trabajan horas largas, también. (¿Oíste este tema? Trabajar mucho tiempo cada día es un aspecto negativo de la cultura americana.)

Mi familia americana es probablemente típica del promedio descendent de los emigrantes asturianos. Cuando una de esta gente viene al foro, lo más probable es que buscarán la información que los interesa y luego desaparecerán. Mucha de esta gente no se molestará en en registrarse.

La mayoría silenciosa
Cualquier tiempo paso al foro, miro a cuántos de nosotros estamos en línea [online]. Puedes ver este número en el fondo de la página principal del foro:
La mayoría de nuestros visitantes son "invitados", personas quienes no se han registrado o no se han conectado [login]. Un número de nuestros socios registrados no hacen la conexión [login] porque raras veces ponen mensajes, pero un número de ellos me han dicho que visitan con regularidad para ver que sea nuevo en el foro. Lo que quiero comunicar es que hay diferentes modos de participar. Muchas personas solamente miran que pasa aquí. Estos "lurkers" [los que "merodean"] aprenden algo del foro, incluso si no nos dan ninguna reacción. Está bien. No hay ninguna razón de juzgarlos. ¿Criticamos a la gente para "solamente" leer un libro? Desde luego, no.

Suronda ha sugerido que los miembros quienes no participantan pudieran mirar el foro y ser felices por ver que las respuestas a sus preguntas ya están aquí. Después de todo, si alguien encuentra el foro debido a una búsqueda de Google, hay una posibilidad muy buena que ya hayamos hablado de lo que interesa.

Suronda también ha indicado que un principiante al foro encontrará aquí respuestas a preguntas que nunca habría pensado preguntar. Es algo que debemos celebrar. ¡Con más de 6000 postes, tomaría meses leer aún la mitad!

El papel de los los "astur-rabiosos"
Creo que una función imprescindible del foro es el suministro de una variedad de información de modo que ya estará aquí cuando alguien se hace curioso.

Un corolario es que los habituales del foro son esencialmente un élite de asturianistas autoseleccionados. Cada uno de nosotros trae recursos de formas diferentes. Más de 20 de nosotros han escrito más de 50 postes. Siento que tengo mucho privilegio en que puedo trabajar juntos con este grupo principal para crear esta comunidad.

Incluso si esto fuera sólo los habituales, los astur-rabiosos quienes participaran activamente sobre al largo plazo (y no creo que es así), sería bien. Es también muy bien si el resto no siente una necesidad de ser tan activo. Nuestras motivaciones distintas ocasionan patrones de conducta diferentes.

Bueno, permanezco Astur-rabioso tuyo,
[Umm, no sé si eso tiene razón. Quiero decir que soy apasionado para Asturies, más o menos.]
Traduciré pronto, amigos.....
Last edited by Art on Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bob »

If some visitors to our website only read, that still serves the useful purpose of spreading information about Asturias and Asturian-American migration. Our focus, I think, is to be as useful to our members as we can be, and if for some that means only reading, that is fine with me, as long as they feel always welcome to participate in conversations. I am deeply grateful for the friendships I have formed with people in the EEUU, Asturias, and other countries, as well as for the information they have provided.

Art, Terechu, Suronda and I are all volunteers. We work on the forum in addition to our jobs and personal lives with family and friends. I wish I had more time to devote to translation, but the realities of life take precedence. I do, however, read just about every post that our members make. If someone wants a translation of a short post from castellano to inglés, just ask and I will do my best. If someone wants a translation in the other direction, that will take much more time, and I defer to those who have more expertise.

If you are a native speaker of English who has learned Spanish as a second language, try reading "Cantar de mio Cid" in the original ( not the modern castellano translation - Garland has a good edition out)). If a castellanofalante who has learned English as a second language, try reading Chaucer in the original Middle English. You'll see what I mean.

The translation "problem" is something that has concerned me for some time. You may have noticed that I post in English (my first language), although I can read and understand castellano and asturianu. The reason is simple - time. I work as professor of biology and help take care of my granddaughters a day or two each week. It's basically a triage situation. I put my time where I think it will have the most effect. We all do.

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Post by Mafalda »

Por ejemplo si digo en ingles "She's so cool" y tradusco las palabras al castellano se leeria "Ella es tan fria" cuando lo que el autor quizo decir fue 'Ella es tan bacan'
Eli, por favor, ¿podrias explicar que es "bacan"?

Gracias :P
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Post by Art »

Nunca encontré "bacán", pero es argot.

Elí empleó "bacan" en este mensaje:
http://www.asturianus.org/forum/viewtop ... =6406#6406

En mi dictionario está deletreado con acento: bacán, y tiene esos significados:
elegante, pijo, con estilo;
un rico, un amante adinerado, un playboy, un encopetado, un "tío" o petimetre


I've never run into "bacán", but it's slang.

Elí used "bacan" in this message:
http://www.asturianus.org/forum/viewtop ... =6406#6406

In my dictionary, it's spelled with an accent: bacán, and has these meanings:
posh, classy;
a wealthy man, sugar daddy, playboy, toff, dude.
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Post by Mafalda »

Gracias Art, ¡como controlas! :wink:
Trans. Mafalda & Reverso
Thank you Art, since you control!! :wink:

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The role of moderators

Post by Art »

There is one last topic I want to discuss. It's an interesting question that
Carlos raised about...

The role of moderators

One of the guiding principles in the back of my mind, at least, is that almost all of our members are adults. To be sure, we're 60% emotional and 40% rational, so unfortunate things will happen now and then. And most of us are "characters", so we can easily irritate each other. Most of the time, however, we'll each do what's right for ourselves and for the community.

So, as Carlos has noted, the moderators don't usually intervene in personal conflicts. That's intentional. We try not to take sides, and we rely on individuals to take care of themselves.

Being human, we moderators will probably get into a few conflicts ourselves - to our embarrassment. That's simply the reality of being human. Our only real option is to wince [or cringe], laugh at our own foibles, and then keep moving forward.

Asturias may be a "paraíso natural", but we're all mere mortals. (The slogan or tagline for Asturian tourism is "paraíso natural" [natural paradise].)

Well, that's all I think I need to comment on. Thanks to everyone for your feedback. It's still not too late if someone else wants to add their two cents!


Queda sólo un asunto de que quiero hablar. Es una pregunta interesante que Carlos planteó sobre...

El papel de los moderadores

Uno de los principios rectores que yo, al menos, lo tengo en cuenta, es que casi todos de nuestros miembros son adultos. Por cierto somos el 60 por ciento emocional y el 40 por ciento racionales, entonces cosas desafortunadas pasarán de vez en cuando. Y la mayor parte de nosotros son tipos [o casos], entonces fácilmente podemos irritar el uno al otro. La mayor parte del tiempo, sin embargo, cada uno de nosotros vamos a hacer lo que tiene razón para nosotros mismos y para la comunidad.

Pues, como Carlos ha notado, los moderadores por lo general no intervienen en conflictos personales. Esto es intencional. Tratamos de no tomar partido, y confiamos en individuos cuidarse ellos mismos.

Siendo el humano, nosotros moderadores probablemente entrarán en unos conflictos nosotros mismos - a nuestra vergüenza. Es simplemente la realidad de ser humano. Nuestra única verdadera opción es estremecerse, reírse de nuestras propias flaqueza [o debilidades], y luego seguir avanzando.

Tal vez Asturias sea un "paraíso natural", pero somos todos los meros mortales.

Bueno, esto es todo que pienso que tengo que comentar. Gracias a cada uno para tu reacciones. ¡Todavía no es demasiado tarde si alguien quiere meter la cuchara!
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Post by Art »

Mafalda wrote: ... personas que eran de mi pueblo... hace 100 años, cuando mi abuelo y muchos de mis tios-abuelos marcharon al "Norte" en busca del futuro.
Hola, Mafalda,

¡Hace mucho tiempo que charlamos de este tema!

Estoy escriendo una reportaje sobre el foro. Quiero poner una parte de un mensaje tuya, pero no estoy cierto que entienda el parte arriba.

¿Qué es el "Norte"? ¿Significa que tus tios-abuelos fueron a los EE.UU?

¿Y "en busca del futuro" significa que buscaban a mejores oportunidades o qué?

Saludinos, Art

Mafalda wrote: [trans. Art] ... people who were from my village... 100 years ago, when my grandfather and many of my great-uncles went to the “North” in search of a future.
Hello, Mafalda,

It's been a long time since we've talked about this topic!

I'm writing a report about the forum. I want to add part of one of your messages, but I'm not sure I understand the part above.

What does "the North" ["el Norte"] refer to? Does it mean that your great uncles went to the US?

And does "in search of the future" ["en busca del futuro"] mean that they were seeking better opportunities or what?

Best wishes, Art
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Keep things simple!

Post by jbarbo »

"Pinnick Kinnick Hill" opened a door of my youth, memories of my Asturian family and friends, and the many, many stories my abuelo y abuela told me about Asturias and their difficult but happy lives.... This book introduced me to the forum... the forum introduced me to many other individuals with similar interests about their past, the history, the culture, the geography, the who we are and the how we got to where we are.... I love reading many of the posts. So many of us have stories that are parallel: family, friends, neighbors, towns, history, immigration, etc. The forum brings all of these simple things alive and gives meaning to the sacrifices, achievements and failures of our ancestors. Each of us has our own connection to our past that we can share with our children. I thank everyone for sharing so much.

Be sensitve to others who have not posted. Many of us do not wish to be placed in negative, argumentative or awkward position. We want to learn, to be informed, to inquire, to interrelate and to be treated in a polite and professional manner with the responses. Most of us understands the difficulty in most translations. "Asi es la vida!"

I would like to commend Terechu. Her intelligence, personality, confidence, experience and positive values present themselves when she posts her responses. She keeps it simple. She keeps it human. She shows professional, human courtesy.

I know a number of the forum's members. I wished more of my family and mis amistades asturianos would join. I have been studying my family history for over 10 years. This has been the most interesting "reality show" that I love. I am sure may of you feel the same about your interests. I love the photos. I wished their were more. Art, Bob, Terechu... you are doing a great job... saludos y gracias. Bob... my Dad and parents were from San Martin de Laspra, del Gallo del Cueto. Art, the Barbaos from Anmoore knew you and your family.
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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »

Hi Jbarbo,

I was wondering in your days in Donora did you know Joseph Garcia or Julio Montes. Joseph was my father's brother and Julio was my mother's brother.

Julio was from Wheeling West Virginia and worked in Donora...Joseph Garcia worked there in Donora and had a son Raymond.

I would be interested in knowing if you knew them.

Thank you...Barbara
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