astúricu wrote:Agora, hai una cosa que nun cambia, qu'inclusu podemos recuperar si queremos, una cosa que permanez y siempre ta ehí: la llingua asturiana. Evidentemente nun ye l'únicu, pero a la fin va ser l'elementu más importante de l'asturianidá, lo que nos va diferenciar de castellanos, gallegos, italianos o canadienses nun va ser lo que comemos, lo que vistimos, de lo que nos reímos, lo que facemos o cómo nos comportamos nesti mundu globalizáu sinon lo que dicimos y cómo lo dicimos, esto ye la llingua.
¡Astúricu, empezaste con una pregunta muy buena!
¿La lengua no cambia? Claro que sí, cambia. Como has dicho, todos aspectos de cultura cambian, incluso el mundo físico. Asturias es distinto sutilmente en su comida, música, sentido de humor, lingua, etc. ¡Tal vez la parte principale de la diferencia sea creer que hay una diferencia!
astúricu wrote:(Transl. Terechu) Now there's one thing that doesn't change and that we can even retrieve if we wish, something that remains and will always be there: the Asturian language.
Astúricu, you began with a very good question!
It's clearly not the only one, but it is the most important element of Asturianity. The one thing that will differentiate us from Castillians, Galicians, Italians or Canadians is not what we eat, what we wear, what we laugh about, what we do or how we behave in this globalized world, is not what we say but how we say it, it is our language.
Language doesn't change? That's clearly not so. As you said, everything about culture changes, and even the physical world changes. Asturias is subtly different in its foods, music, humor, language, etc. Perhaps a huge part of the difference is simply believing that there is a difference!