Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:38 pm
Chris, a eso me refiero. Mi hija se crió con Barrio Sésamo y La Bola de Cristal, que era lo que había en la tele en horario infantil. En los últimos años hay culebrones y programas basura en esa franja horaria. De esa manera muchos chavales se están volviendo unos cotillas y unos criticones, como viejas amargadas. No son despreocupados e infantiles, como deberían de ser.
Anuski, me alegra que sepas hacer cosas y cuides de tu hermano. Es muy importante aprender a llevar las riendas en cualquier situación, cuanto más aprendas ahora, mas fácil te resultará la vida luego.
Chris, that's just what I meant. My daughter grew up watching Sesame Street and the Crystal Ball, which were the shows that were on TV in the afternoon. For the last several years they've been showing soap operas and trash TV in that time span that used to be for kids. And thus many children are turning into gossipy busybodies and petty faultfinders, like bitter old women. They're not like children at all, childish and carefree as they should be.
Anuski, I'm so glad to hear that you can indeed make things and that you take care of your baby brother. It's important to learn to be in control in any situation, the more you learn now, the easier life will be for you later.
Anuski, me alegra que sepas hacer cosas y cuides de tu hermano. Es muy importante aprender a llevar las riendas en cualquier situación, cuanto más aprendas ahora, mas fácil te resultará la vida luego.
Chris, that's just what I meant. My daughter grew up watching Sesame Street and the Crystal Ball, which were the shows that were on TV in the afternoon. For the last several years they've been showing soap operas and trash TV in that time span that used to be for kids. And thus many children are turning into gossipy busybodies and petty faultfinders, like bitter old women. They're not like children at all, childish and carefree as they should be.
Anuski, I'm so glad to hear that you can indeed make things and that you take care of your baby brother. It's important to learn to be in control in any situation, the more you learn now, the easier life will be for you later.