Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:34 am
Actually, it was Mofusu who first suggested this idea in a thread about the sociology behind the FSA and the stranglehold of SUMA-UGT (trade union) in the coal mining districts of Central Asturias:Art wrote:I think you may be on to something big. If the FSA has an industrial vision, that would explain a lot. In particular, it's a vision rooted in the distant past, not the current reality of Asturias.
Creo que en esto tal vez tengas la llave. Si la FSA tiene una visión industrial, explicaría muchas cosas. En particular, es una visión arraigada en el pasado distante, no la realidad actual de Asturias.
En realida foi Mofusu quien me desplicara n'outro filu un pouco de la socioloxia de la FSA ya cumo se feixo afogar pol poder sindical de la SOMA-UGT nos conceyos mineros del centro d'Asturias:
Here is the original text so you don't have to go through the whole thread about Jose Manuel Cuervo:
"Ta claro que les persones que mandaron y manda na FSA (llevan 30 años siendo los mesmo) tiene una bona y directa relación con José Ángel Fernández Villa; secretariu xeneral del Sindicato de los Obreros Mineros de Asturias- SOMA-FIA-UGT, diputáu na Xunta Xeneral d'Asturies munchos años pol PSOE, senador del Estáu,etc. Villa tien los sos propios seguidores dientro del PSOE, son Los Villistas. Tanto Lastra como Fernández puen considerase continuadores del Villismu. El Villismu, que foi heriede en bona parte de les práctiques del sindicalismu vertical franquista, basó la so política d'estos últimos 30 años na xestión de la lliquidación más o menos controlada del sector mineru de les cuenques del Caudal y Nalón. En consecuencia, la FSA, integrada mayoritariamente por villistas, lleva munchos años gobernando Asturies como si fuera un pozu de carbón. Esta dependencia "carbonífera" del Partíu failos ser partidarios de un tipu de poder mui fuerte, centralizáu, proteccionista colos sos intereses, desarrollista, etc
Por desgracia, estes siguen siendo les tesis aplastantemente mayoritaries na FSA. Y un partíu que ta nel poder durante munchos años, y tien la pinta de tar munchos años más, nun ye el meyor sitiu pa salise de la ortodoxa.
"It’s obvious that the current and former leaders of the FSA (the same people have led the party for 30 years) are pretty tight with Jose Angel Fernandez Villa: Secretary General of SOMA-FIA-UGT (Miners’ and Workers’ Union of Asturias), long-time MP at the Xunta Xeneral [Asturian regional parliament] for the PSOE/FSA, senator in Madrid. Villa has his own followers within the party, the so-called ‘Villistas’. Both Lastra and Fernandez can be considered by-products of ‘Villismu’ [followers of the union leader’s movement].
The phenomenon known as ‘Villismu’ is a direct successor of Franco’s system of vertical trade unions, their strategies/practices have simply passed down from the Franco era. Villa’s followers based their politics in the last 30 years in managing the controlled downfall of the mining sector in the Caudal and Nalon valleys. This coal-based dependence of the party [the PSOE/FSA] makes them partial to a very strong power vertical, highly centralized, protectionist in outlook where its base is concerned and tending to favor large-scale infrastructure.
Unfortunately, this ideology dominates the majority within the FSA. And a party that has been in power for many years and which is likely to remain in power for even longer, is not exactly a place where one would want to express any kind of dissent."