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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:41 am
by joseantonioverdin
Estimada Sweeney

Mi abuelo se llamaba LEONARDO VERDIN MIRANDA y mi abuela CARMEN ARIAS MIRANDA, eran primos.

Pregunté a mi padre y el me cuenta que solo recuerda el nombre de su abuelo que era también LEONARDO VERDIN

Intentaré averiguar más y lo que sepa de seguro te lo comunicaré

Un afecuoso saludo!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:12 am
by Sweeney
I looked at my notes and I put down that my great, great grandfather Juan Luis Werdin, born in 1826 in Liega, Belgium was first married to a woman with the surname Miranda. They had children. This woman died shortly after they moved to Spain.

Juan could not care for his children alone so he hired a nanny named Teresa Lopez Cuesta. They eventually married and had children, one being my great grandfather.

So it lookes like we are half-cousins. You may be a descendant of my great, great grandfather Luis and his first wife. But I am not certain. This information was told to me by other relatives and I do not have documentation to prove it.

It could be that I made a mistake and in reality one of the son's of Juan Verdin may have married a Miranda. I have been told that Juan Verdin and Teresa Lopez Cuesta had at least three boys: Guillermo, Luis and Leonardo.

I was told that Luis married a woman named Prudencia Lopez. And Leonardo married a woman with the surname Arias. Perhaps I am mistaken about these surnames. Because they are not in my direct ancestry line I did not look for documentation to prove the information given to me by my relatives.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:30 am
by joseantonioverdin
efectivamente de esos tres hijos de Juan Verdín y teresa López que se llamaban Guillermo, Leonardo y Luis yo soy descendiente de leonardo, que es mi bisabuelo.

Ahora me voy a trabajar ;-) y como te dije antes trataré de aportarte más datos en cuanto me sea posible.


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:31 am
by Sweeney
Puedo enviarle mis datos genealógicos sobre la familia de Verdin, pero está toda en inglés. ¿Puede usted leer inglés? ¿O usted sabe a alguien que puede traducirla para usted?

Yo no comprendo español. Utilizo una computadora para traducir este mensaje. ¿Usted entiende lo que estoy escribiendo?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:11 pm
by joseantonioverdin
si, la verdad me encantaría que me pudieses enviar dichos datos genealógicos ya que me interesa mucho averiguar mis origenes. Se algo de ingles..poco, pero puedo traducirlo.
El texto anterior que enviaste a través de una traducción se entiende perfectamente.
Mañana voy a ver a mi padre que se encuentra en casa de mi hermano y le enseñare esta página y de paso le sonsacaré todos los datos que pueda para así poder aportarte algo nuevo, si es que lo hay.
Sweeney te agradezco de antemano que me puedas enviar dichos datos genealogicos y te estoy muy agradecido.
espero noticias tuyas.
Un fuerte abrazo!!
Trad. Terechu
Yes, I would really like for you to send me those genealogical data, as I am very interested in finding out about my origins. I do know some English...not much, but I can translate.
The previous text you sent translated is perfectly understandable.
Tomorrow I will be going to see my father , who's at my brother's and will show him this page. So I'll take the opportunity to find out more from him to see if I can provide some new information, if there is any.
Sweeney, I thank you in advance for forwarding said genealogical data and I am very grateful.
I look forward to hearing from you.
A big hug!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:12 am
by Sweeney
Dear Jose,

Today I mailed out the information I have on the Verdin family. I hope it will help.

I did not have much information on our common ancestors, Juan Luis Verdin and Teresa Lopez Cuesta, but I did have a transcript of my great grandfather's baptismal Certificate which lists them as his parents and it also lists his grandparents, Luis Verdin and Margarite Jaque.

My grandmother once told me that Juan Luis Verdin was from Belgium. She said the Verdin family owned factories in Belgium and Spain. Juan managed the Belgium factory and his brother the one in Spain.

Juan's brother died so he had to go to Spain to take care of things. He brought his wife and children. Once in Spain his wife became ill and died. Juan hired a local woman named Teresa Lopez Cuesta to care for his children. They eventually fell in love and married and had more children.

This is the story that was passed down to my by my grandmother. Juan and Teresa were her grandparents.

You should receive the package I sent you within two weeks.

Take care,

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:51 pm
by joseantonioverdin
Apreciada Sweeney

Te agradezco muchisimo que te tomaras la molestia de enviarme la información de la familia Verdín.
Quedo a tu disposición para lo que necesites y te envío un fuerte abrazo!!


jose A. Verdín

Lopez Family

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:16 pm
by lisa.gonzalez
I live in San Diego and I had family that migrated from Asturias to the US during the Spanish civil war. My great-grandparents had the name of Lopez and lived in Donora for years. Much of my family (Suarez-Garcia) still lives in Aviles (Vallinello) has been there at least since the 1700s.

transl. Terechu

Vivo en San Diego y tenía familia que emigró de Asturias a los EE.UU. durante la Guerra Civil. Mis bisabuelos se apellidaban López y vivieron en Donora muchos años. La mayoría de mi familia (Suárez-García) aún vive en Avilés (Vallieniello) y son de allí desde al menos 1700.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:28 pm
by joseantonioverdin
Querida Donna

Acabo de recibir por correo el albun de la familia Artimez y Verdín y me he quedado asombrado. Has realizado un trabajo extraordinario, es una maravilla todos los datos que has podido reunir desde tan lejos. Es increible que nosotros mismos en España y tan cerca unos de otros tengamos tanto desconocimiento de las diversas familias que se han formado a raíz de nuestro antepasado luis Werdin y que por una causa u otra han emigrado a diferentes partes de Asturias y de America. Y que tú desde tan lejos pudieses reunir esta información resulta altamente sorprendente y admirable.
Te vuelvo a dar infinitas gracias por haberte tomado la molestia de enviarme dicha información, eso demuestra tu calida humana, y te envío un afectuaoso salyudo par ti y tu fami|îé
Un fuerte abrazo!
Trad. Terechu

Dear Donna,
I just received the album on the Artímez and Verdín family and I'm astounded. You have done an extraordinary job, it's amazing just how much information you have been able to collect from so far away. It's incredible that we here in Spain, so close to eachother, have no knowledge of the various families branched off our ancestor Luis Werdin and who for one reason or other have moved to other parts of Asturias and America. And the fact that you could gather this information living as far away as you do, is absolutely astonishing and admirable.
I thank you again a thousand times for taking the time and trouble to send me that information, it shows your human quality. My most affectionate greetings to you and your family.
A big hug!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:43 am
by Sweeney
Dear Jose,

I am glad to hear you received my package. Yes it was very difficult to acquire the information from the USA, especially since I do not speak Spanish. Luckily I located some cousins in Spain who helped me tremendously. They sent me most of the photos.

I was extremely grateful to the priest at the Church San Martin de Laspra. He was very helpful. The Ministerio de Justicia was also great.

And of course this website was instrumental in helping me. I was able to locate many people and received many hints as to how to track down information.

If you ever find more information on Luis Werdin, please le me know.

Take care,


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:29 pm
by lisandro

Re: saludos

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:47 am
by jomaguca
No te parezca mal ,pero qué tontería dices, para escribir eso vale más qué no pongas nada, no te parece? o es qué estabas aburrido ese día?yo creo qué un foro es un cosa seria y además para ayudar a nuestros amigos qué lo deseen, y no para tonterías.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:50 pm
by musicman51
Hi my name is Barry Verdin son of Louis and grand son of Victor. I have been trying to locate who my ancestors are. i seem to remember being told that the family originated in Belguim, and migrated to Spain. I also remember being told my grandmother was married once before she married Victor Verdin and her first husband was a Count. Her first name was Elvira and had a sister named Mary, but that is all I know. I also know my fathers grandmother lived in Madrid Spain, if there is anyone who can help me I would appreciate it.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:08 pm
by Sweeney
Barry, you sound like you are my relative. My family came from Belgium and moved to Spain. The names sound familiar. If you private message me your address I can send you what information I have on the family.


Re: update on my family search

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:19 pm
by ana fernandez
Tengo informacion adicional sobre Florentina ovies mieres su esposo miguel artime alguno de sus hijos y sus antepasados son datos estraidos de los archivos parroquiales de san martin de podes si tiene interes en ellos tendre mucho gusto en enviarselo
saludos ana

trans. Art

I have more information about Florentina Ovies Mieres, her husband Miguel Artime, some of their children and those that went before them. This data is from the parish archives of San Martín de Podes. If you have interest in this info, I'd be pleased to send it to you.
Best wishes, Ana