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War after war, whether is new one? HISTORY REPEATS
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:29 am
by Oleg281
War after war, whether is new one?
1812 + 65 = 1877 Falling Osmanli colonialism
1877 + 64 = 1941 Falling of Fascist colonialism
1941 + 64 = 2005 Struggle against totalitarian modes,
for democratization.
You can look on
Table 16.
1938 the Munich agreement brought " the world to the Europe ".
In 64 years army of the USA and coalitions will
conduct antiterrorist operation, which has brought protection against terrorism and peace for all.
What else is necessary for USA and Europe to do to create final peace?
Re: War after war, whether is new one? HISTORY REPEATS
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:02 pm
by Oleg281
Oleg281 wrote:1941 + 64 = 2005 Struggle against totalitarian modes,
for democratization.
You can look on
Table 16.
In 64 years the world community met international
nazism and democratic colonization of the countries of the third world
and developing countries.
The policy of colonization is doing by the countries where freedom of words is strangled,
where you can't see communistic and socialist parties.
London where there is a totalitarian not democratic mode acts as the ideologist of democratic colonization of the world.
All policy in England is subordinated to one party of colonialists.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 10:19 am
by Oleg281
England runs democratic colonization policy,
do you hear this for the first time?
Attack to London by Iraqi insurgents is possibly
connected with their strategy of anticolonial war.
Their calculation is connected with discredit of policy of
London in Iraq and disengagement of English armies.
For US government leaving of England from Iraq
would be disintegration of a coalition and individual
opposition to the world community.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:15 am
by Oleg281
64 years ago governments of the Europe convinced people
that barbarians live in Russia
, now Asia.
What in your opinion destruction of Iraq is justified by?
War in Iraq goes against presence of colonial armies.
If London refuse democratic colonization of Iraq
and accelerate disengage of armies, political positions of armed
democratls which are supported by London and Ankara will
weaken in Russia.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:31 am
by Art
Welcome, Oleg.
You may want to write in Spanish, if that's your native language.
Certainly, history does seem to repeats itself over and over--probably because human nature doesn't change. All the same, I don't personally believe that numerology adds anything useful.
Bienvenido, Oleg.
Tal vez querrías escribir en español si es su lengua materna.
Seguramente la historia parece repetirse - probablemente porque la naturaleza humana no se cambia. En todo caso, personalmente no creo que la numerología sea útil.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:42 pm
by Oleg281
The English monarchy, actively aspiring to influence world politics, finds the participation through English democracy - creation of the deformed negative information (as a freedom of speech), imposings of permissiveness (as freedom of the rights). Acceptance by a democratized society of English democratic values - without English system of the totalitarian control - decomposes the state up to a feudal-bureaucratic colony. With growth of movement for freedom and the truth the English society is divided into supporters and opponents of democratic colonization. Desperate effective resistance and migration become means of struggle for emancipating the colonized countries.
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:59 am
by Carlos
¿Pero qué clase de propaganda es ésta? Argumentación política = cero; argumentación histórica = cero; cábala numerológica = medieval.
Este Oleg (ruso?) podía dejarse de marear la perdiz y decir claramente y de una vez cuál es su "consigna".
Creo que se trata de alguna clase de spam encaminado exclusivamente a que quien lea sus posts acuda a la página web que incluye en cada uno.
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:38 am
by Oleg281
Basis of the constitution of Iraq offered by the USA is a restriction of the rights and freedom. Occupational armies cannot be in the territory of Iraq without free will of people. All conversations about the constitution of Iraq have no sense because there is no free Iraq. Acceptance of the colonial constitution by the state occupied by USA is a prolongation of a colonial policy of USA concerning to Iraq.
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:07 am
by Oleg281
The basic question of the Iraq constitution is legalization and fastening of spheres of
influence, sources of enrichment in Iraq by neo-colonialists.
Local authorities, created by neo-colonialists, will receive nothing from such repartition, their role will be maintenance of stability,
maintenance of tolerance to plunder of the country.
Political dissociation of Iraq, while there is the absence of national ideology,
is fixing in the constitution as democracy and refusal of freedom, and creates
the Iraq democratic colony.
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:58 pm
by Art
Hi, Oleg,
We might agree on some points, but I can't tell because I'm having trouble understanding what you've written.
Could you please say what you're thinking in simple terms (words)?
I'm guessing that you're translating your ideas from another language and that meaning is getting lost in the process. If you're not English-speaking, you might post your message in Spanish (or whatever language you speak natively), too.
Since there have been any responses taking up your argument, I doubt that the average member of this forum is interested in debating this theme no matter how clearly you state your points.
Hola, Oleg,
Es posible que estamos de acuerdo sobre algunos puntos, pero no estoy seguro porque tengo problemas entendiendo lo que escribes.
¿Por favor, podrías escribir lo que piensas en términos(palabras) simples?
Adivino que estás traduciendo tus ideas de otra lengua y que el significado se hace perdido en el proceso. Si no eres de habla inglesa, podrías poner tu mensaje en español (o cualquiera lengua materna), también.
Como ya no hay ninguna respuesta discutiendo contigo, no creo que nuestros socios del foro serían interesados en debatar este tema, y por mucho que declares tus puntos claramente.