XVI Muestra de Artes Plásticas de Asturias
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:09 am
Me presento en este magnífico foro con este asunto: la inauguración en Avilés de la Muestra de Artes Plásticas de Asturias. Aquí tenéis el link:
http://www.elcomerciodigital.com/pg0509 ... I-060.html
I introduce myself in this greatful forum with this issue: the opening of Asturian Plastic Art Exhibition in Aviles. Here is the link
We are in touch,
http://www.elcomerciodigital.com/pg0509 ... I-060.html
I introduce myself in this greatful forum with this issue: the opening of Asturian Plastic Art Exhibition in Aviles. Here is the link
We are in touch,