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Location: Asturias


Post by Anastasia »

Last edited by Anastasia on Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Terechu »

Gracias Anuski. Se calcula que hay unas 800 fosas comunes en toda España y se está acabando el tiempo. Cada vez quedan menos testigos directos y tengo entendido que el alcalde de Toledo aún tiene la poca vergüenza de dar licencia para una urbanización sobre la fosa del Patio 42, donde yacen 700 fusilados que cayeron prisioneros en El Alcázar de Toledo y que están sin identificar.

Thanks Anuski. There are an estimated 800 mass graves throughout Spain and time is running out. There are less and less direct witnesses and I heard that the shameless mayor of Toledo has granted a building license for a housing development on what was once Yard 42 of the Toledo jail, the mass grave of the700 victims who were shot after being made prisoners at the Alcázar and who remain unidentified.
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