Centros Asturianos en el mundo/Asturian Clubs worldwide
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:10 am
Acabo de reencontrar esta página web con las direcciones completas de todos los Centros Asturianos del mundo, para los que viajáis mucho. El más chocante es el de Hong Kong, así que ya sabéis, la próxima vez que estéis por allí, ir hasta allá a tomar un culín http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Esta ... ianos.html
I just found this web site again, with the full addresses of all "Centros Asturianos" of the world, which might be of interest to those of you who travel a lot. The most surprising one is the one in Hong Kong, so, now that you know it, the next time you visit Hong Kong, drop by for a glass of cider!
I just found this web site again, with the full addresses of all "Centros Asturianos" of the world, which might be of interest to those of you who travel a lot. The most surprising one is the one in Hong Kong, so, now that you know it, the next time you visit Hong Kong, drop by for a glass of cider!