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Faithful wives through modern RNAs

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:41 pm
by Eli
Huh I can see it now, the commercials blaring ‘Before you go on that business trip make sure you block your wife’s VMN with our RNAs, potential side effects may cause temporary aggressiveness towards males’ no man should leave home without treating his wife’s VMN!

From NS.

The precise part of the brain likely to be the seat of heterosexual desire in women has been revealed by experiments on mice.

The study confirms that the hormone oestrogen is vital for arousal, but only in the specific area of the brain called the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) in the hypothalamus.

Sonoko Ogawa of the University of Tsukuba in Japan and her collaborators in the US discovered this by blocking the effects of oestrogen exclusively in that part of the brain in mice. They did this with tiny slugs of genetic material called small hairpin RNAs designed to block production of oestrogen receptor alpha, the molecule where oestrogen docks on cells in the VMN and elsewhere in the body.

They used a harmless virus to shuttle the RNAs exclusively into the VMN, so that oestrogen signals would only be blocked there and nowhere else in the body. The effect was dramatic - the females refused to have sex.

“They became extremely aggressive towards males, and started biting and kicking when males approached,” says Ogawa. The females refused to mate and none of them showed the usual signs of sexual receptivity. By contrast, control females injected with neutral RNAs mated as usual. View a video of the normal mice (top) and those in which sexual receptivity was blocked (bottom).

“Disruption of normal oestrogen signalling only in this region while leaving it intact elsewhere in the brain and the rest of the body is sufficient to completely block normal female courtship behaviour,” says Ogawa.

She says that the VMN has long been suspected to be the seat of female desire, but experiments in mice genetically engineered to have no oestrogen receptor alpha anywhere in the body failed to prove this because they affected all receptors, not just those in the VMN. Blocking signals just in the VMN has now shown “unambiguously” that this is where female sexual behaviour is controlled, say the researchers.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0603045103) ... ealed.html

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:46 am
by Terechu
Very interesting..., but maybe you should post this in an "males only" web site. I find the growing disrespect for women in general (hardly a day goes by that I don't hear women referred to as "bitches" now, something unheard of 10 or 15 years ago) very alarming and, in fact, I believe the skyrocketing statistics of battered, raped and murdered women have a lot to do with it.
I wonder that resentment comes from?

Muy interestante...pero a lo mejor deberías ponerlo en una página "sólo para hombres".
Considero muy alarmante la creciente falta de respeto por las mujeres en general (no pasa un día en que no oiga el calificativo "guarra" o "perra" para referirse a las mujeres, cosa impensable hace 10 o 15 años) y, de hecho, las estadísticas desorbitadas de mujeres maltratadas, violadas o asesinadas tienen mucho que ver con ello.
¿De dónde sale tanto resentimiento?

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:20 pm
by Eli
Hey Terechu, not sure I follow your line of thought. Did you find the article disrespectful towards women or my joke about the way in which this new knowledge could be used?

I have never referred to women in a disrespectful manner, baring of course what are clearly jokes i/e “don’t you worry your pretty little head about nothing, the men are talking here..” :-) but I expect everybody to understand that, that is a joke, IMO somebody that wouldn’t take that comment about not worrying her pretty little head as a joke has issues.

Couldn’t agree more with you on the vocabulary in use today, if you were to listen to Rap a form of United Statesian music it is not only violent and disrespectful but downright encourages the treatment of women as if they deserve less consideration than a welcome mat. Growing up I heard countless times ‘a una mujer no la tocas ni con el petalo de una rosa’ frankly that has been a staple of my life. Is it possible that you are misdirecting your emotions here?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:51 am
by Terechu
Glad you asked, Eli. You're probably right that my train of thought was not clear. To me the whole post has an undertone of savagery. As you point out, we were raised to respect others and it was common knowledge that women were not to be touched- ever, and I find needlessly aggressive or demeaning texts are not only on the rise, they are simply everywhere.

I don't want to get dramatic, but the fact that I have seen the behaviour of previous generations of men who, especially in my family, played the role of protecting brothers, fathers, grandfathers, boyfriends or husbands, makes it unbearablel for me to find that a woman's dignity is no longer an issue, that women are prey to any thug.

When I replied to your post I had just seen on the TV news a report about some Ukranian immigrant viciously stabbing his very young girlfriend and 4-month old baby to death, because he thought the baby wasn't his. Seeing the tears and sorrow of the girl's mother (and baby's grandmother), hardly knowing a word of Spanish, brought tears to my eyes. The fact that nowadays any thug can kill your daughter and grandchild because he thinks he "has a right" to it is very disturbing.

A few months ago a group of neonazis in Oviedo assaulted a girl on her very doorsteps and cut a svastika on her face with a knife. She's a young student leader and known leftist. A male gang attacking a helpless woman - who ever heard of that before, for Heaven's sake!
So, the bottom line is, that we're very concerned about these subliminal hate campaigns that confuse young girls and have them running in masses to plastic surgeons so they can look like dumb, harmless Barbies and not pose a threat to the ego of men who refuse to grow up.

Me alegra que lo preguntes, Eli. Seguramente que mi línea de pensamiento no estaba muy clara. El post entero tiene un tufilllo de salvajismo.
Como tú bien dices, a nosotros nos educaron para respetar al prójimo y todo el mundo sabía que a las mujeres no se las toca jamás, y yo estoy viendo como no sólo aumentan los textos innecesariamente agresivos y humillantes, sino que están en todas partes.

No quiero ponerme dramática, pero el hecho de que yo haya visto el comportamiento de los hombres de generaciones anteriores, especialmente en mi familia, que cumplían con su papel de protectores como hermanos, padres, abuelos, novios o maridos, hace que me resulte insoportable que la dignidad de las mujeres ya no sea una cuestión, que se haya levantado la veda de caza de mujeres.

Cuando contesté a tu post acababa de ver en las noticias de la tele el juicio a un inmigrante ucraniano que había matado a puñaladas a su jovencísima novia y a su hijo de 4 meses, porque creía que no era suyo. Me saltaron las lágrimas al ver la pena y el llanto de la madre de la chica (y abuela del bebé), que apenas sabía unas palabras de español. El hecho de que hoy en día cualquier macarra pueda matar a tus hijas o nietos, porque cree estar en su derecho es muy preocupante.

Hace unos meses un grupo de neonazis de Oviedo atacaron a una chica en el portal de su casa y le grabaron una esvástica en la cara con una navaja. Es una conocida joven líder estudiantil de izquierdas. Pandilllas de hombres atacando a una sola mujer indefensa, ¿dónde se ha visto eso jamás, por Dios santo!

En resumen, que estamos muy preocupadas con estas campañas de odio subliminal que confunde a las chicas jóvenes y hace que se sometan a todo tipo de cirugías para parecer Barbies inofensivas y tontas, y no ser una amenaza para el ego de los hombres infantilizados. :roll:

Un abrazu