Hello Dear Folks,
Upon reading many of your posts,.... esp. the ones about licorice and the saying about things you eat putting "hair on your chest"....these are familiar to me. Carlo (sometimes spelled Carlos) Astorino was my paternal grandfather. He was the son of a migrant worker in Italy who was probably a type of mercenary also that would travel between Argentina and Italy many times before he went to the USA, worked his way to Ohio on the railroad and brought his wife over. She was one of the last of a lot of daughters to marry of a vineyard landowner. I am sure she has a longtime Italian background. I do not feel that way about Grandpa. I have also been told by Spaniards and by someone from Basque that Astorino belongs to those two nationalities. There also seems to be some secrecy from one of them, "You really don't know, do you?" I couldn't get it out of him. Can someone help here? Do you have information or ideas? I will enjoy your forums and interact when I can. Some of the pictures look familiar, many don't. Thank you. Brenda
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