Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:57 pm
In Asturias the conundrums, the riddles, are called "cosadielles".
Here I am proposing new cosadielles:
1. Adevina , Perogrullu
cual ye el bichu
que pica´n bandullu
2. ¿Que cosa cosadiella ye
que de furaco en furaco va andando
con les tripes arrastrando?
3. Un tarreñin de bomborombón
que no tien culo nin tapón
Answers.........Are you game?
Tentative translation:
1. Guess, Pero Grullo,
which is the bug
that stings the guts.
2. What thing it is
that goes from hole to hole
dragging its guts?
3. A little jar (I am afraid that "bomborombón" is not translatable)
that has not bottom nor cap.
In Asturias the conundrums, the riddles, are called "cosadielles".
Here I am proposing new cosadielles:
1. Adevina , Perogrullu
cual ye el bichu
que pica´n bandullu
2. ¿Que cosa cosadiella ye
que de furaco en furaco va andando
con les tripes arrastrando?
3. Un tarreñin de bomborombón
que no tien culo nin tapón
Answers.........Are you game?
Tentative translation:
1. Guess, Pero Grullo,
which is the bug
that stings the guts.
2. What thing it is
that goes from hole to hole
dragging its guts?
3. A little jar (I am afraid that "bomborombón" is not translatable)
that has not bottom nor cap.