¿Algún Espina por las Américas?

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¿Algún Espina por las Américas?

Post by cesarlluis »

Me gustaría encontrar a alguien con ese apellido,es el de la familia de mi padre y son todos de Mieres(Asturias)
El mi nome ye Cesar,soi de Xixón(Asturies)

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Post by Eli »

Hola Cesar,

No soy Espina, pero conosco a dos Malespina.... no cuenta verdad? pero en serio, no abra alguna coneccion entre estos apellidos?

Por otra parte.... 'por las Americas'? cuando se partio el continente en pedazos?! lol Hay tantas Americas como Europas me parece.... ;-)
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Post by Art »

Elí, weren't there two Americas before they were forcibly joined? I think we need to consult a lawyer about damages. You can't just let the southern piece smash into the northern without consequences!

(Cesar Lluis, Elí and I have been having a humorous ongoing discussion about the meaning of the word "America". It's not about you.)


¿Elí, habían dos Américas antes de que fueran embestidos fuertemente? Pienso que necesitamos consultar a un abogado sobre los daños. ¡No se puede dejar el parte meridional chocar contra el norteño sin consecuencias!

(Cesar Lluis, Elí y yo siempre discutimos, en parte ser graciosos, sobre el significado de la voz "America." No está relacionado contigo.)
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Post by Eli »

Good point!

The southern hemisphere has been pushing the northern hemisphere for several million years now... about time the northern hemisphere stops getting a free ride and do it's own paddling... ;-)


Tienes razon!

El hemisferio sur a estado empujando al norte por varios millones de años... ya es hora de que el hemisferio norte deje de comerse el pan ganado con el sudor de la frente ajena..... ;-)
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Post by Art »

Ah, Elí, so at long last you admit that there are two Americas?!!

¡¿Bueno pues, entonces al fin admites que hay dos Américas, Elí?!
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Post by Art »

Ah, Elí, so at long last you admit that there are two Americas?!


¡¿Bueno pues, entonces al fin admites que hay dos Américas, Elí?!
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Post by cesarlluis »

Bueno,yo siempre pensé que había 2 Americas:Norteamérica y sudamérica.El norte,más influenciado por la cultura anglosajona; y el sur,más "latina" por así decirlo.En Europa también hay 2 zonas diferentes:la Europa del este y la occidental.Desde la caída del muro de Berlín y el comunismo,estas diferencias cada vez son menores pero todavía hay una gran desventaja económica y social a favor del Oeste.Incluso se podría hablar de una Europa del Norte ,formada por los países escandinavos y cuya forma de vida,tanto social como económica,me parece la más acertada de todas.
El mi nome ye Cesar,soi de Xixón(Asturies)

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Post by Eli »

Hi Art,
Ah, Elí, so at long last you admit that there are two Americas?!!

¡¿Bueno pues, entonces al fin admites que hay dos Américas, Elí?!
I’ve always said America sits on three continental plates, but that the continents were defined long before we knew that, so ‘America’ is one continent.

You see, although America is one continent we now know that in fact it rests not on one but on three different continental plates, the North American that ends just south of Mexico, the South American that ends just north of Colombia, and the Atlantic that holds most of Central America and the Carribean.

The continents were identified long before we had this level of scientific knowledge (identifying continental plates), at the time the continents were identified all continents were defined as land masses separated from others by bodies of water, the only exception to that rule was Europe and Asia that are separated by a mountain range. To further drive the point home that continental plates as defined by science do not affect the social construction of how humanity sees the world. From a continental plate point of view Europe and Asia are ONE continent they sit on the same plate, there is no division, furthermore this continental plate includes the entire Arabian peninsula. India on the other hand is not part of the Asian continental plate but a subcontinent that is pushing northward on what would be the Eurasian continent, but we don’t identify it as a continent, we think of it as part of Asia. On the same ‘continent’ Siberia IS NOT part of Asia, Siberia sits on it’s own continental plate but we identify it as part of Asia. So you see from a social/historical point of view America is ONE continent. That said, if we must make the divisions they should be made along continental plates, North America would then end just south of Mexico, South America would end just north of Colombia and everything else would be Central America. By the same token Europe and Asia should be split into Eurasia that includes all of Europe, the middle east and Asia minus India and Siberia, these last two should become their own continents.

If you (or anybody) still have any doubts as to how many continents we (the world) believes there are, just count how many rings the Olympic flag has, and it has one ring for each continent. The simplest ‘proof’ that America has always been thought of as one continent and not two or three comes from the name of the United States of America, notice it does not say of ‘North’ America, or 'one of the Americas' but of America. This erroneous belief that America is somehow more than one continent begun when the issue of United Statesians calling themselves Americans raised it’s ugly head for the first time. At the time United Statesians came up with a simple way to skirt it, basically saying there is not one but two American continents North and South America, then when referring to themselves instead of using United Statesians they would erroneously use ‘Americans’ and when referring to Americans they would say ‘of the Americas’ implying there are two not one :-) cute, but they forgot to change the name of the US to reflect this....
Bueno,yo siempre pensé que había 2 Americas:Norteamérica y sudamérica.El norte,más influenciado por la cultura anglosajona; y el sur,más "latina" por así decirlo.En Europa también hay 2 zonas diferentes:la Europa del este y la occidental.
Tienes razon Cesar, America al igual que Europa esta dividida en zonas America en Norte, Centro y Sur America mientras que Europa en Europa Oriental y Occidental. Pero en ambos casos esas son zonas o areas dentro de un solo continente.
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Post by Art »

Ah, my friend, just reading your message I feel my limbs being stretched. It's almost as good as yoga!

I don't understand this:
Elí wrote:So you see from a social/historical point of view America is ONE continent.
Also I wouldn't take much meaning from the name of a country or the number of rings on a flag. At least when I was in school we talked about two continents in the Western Hemisphere. I don't remember what we did with Latin America.

I don't think the social construction of reality has anything to do with logic, so it's pointless to try to correct it with logic. Our social realities can be changed, but they're more likely to be changed via emotion than logic.


Eh, amigo mio, sólo leyendo tu mensaje siento mis miembros estirados. ¡Es casi tan bueno como yoga!

No entiendo esto:
Elí wrote:[trans. Art] Entonces desde un punto de vista social/histórico América es UN continente.
También no daría mucho significado al nombre de un país o al número de anillos de una bandera. Por lo menos cuando estaba yo en escuela hablamos de dos continentes en el hemisferio occidental. No recuerdo lo que hicimos con América Latina.

No pienso que la construcción social de la realidad tiene cualquier cosa hacer con la lógica, así que es insustancial intentar corregirla con lógica. Nuestras realidades sociales pueden ser cambiadas, pero es más probable cambiarlas vía la emoción que la lógica.
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Post by Eli »

Ah, my friend, just reading your message I feel my limbs being stretched. It's almost as good as yoga!
ha ha ha not sure I know what that means.... sounds funny somebody used to say something of the sort... ohh I know Larry! he would say "get's my blood moving" but in his case think I used piss him off a tad.

The issue of how many continents is really very simple, in the same way that the north is what we see as up in a map is because that is the way that Europeans first charted the world starting from their point of view and how everything else would relate to them. When Europeans defined the continents they defined 5 continents
from about:
In Europe, many students are taught about six continents, where North and South America is combined to form a single America. Thus, these six continents are Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, and Europe.
however in the States (same source)
there is no standard definition for the number of continents but you'll commonly find that the numbers six or seven are used. By most standards, there are a maximum of seven continents - Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Most students in the U.S. are taught that there are seven continents.
that is pretty much the same tactics the current administration uses towards climate change just deny it and confuse the issue enough eventually people will get tired and go along.... it works... for the most part.

The world recognizes five (5) inhabited continents, the US now intends to partition America, that is unacceptable. It makes as much sense as those maps where north is south and viceversa http://www.flourish.org/upsidedownmap/h ... -large.jpg
you know...
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Post by Art »

Elí wrote:The world recognizes five (5) inhabited continents, the US now intends to partition America, that is unacceptable.
"The world"? Sure, if you don't mind excluding the US.

"Now"? This isn't anything new.

Most Americans/Unitedstatians would be shocked that anyone cares. And why should anyone care? Continents don't exist except as an idea.

Elí wrote: [trans. Art] El mundo reconoce cinco (5) continentes habitados. Los EE.UU. ahora se prepone repartir América. Ése es inaceptable.
¿"El mundo"? Vale, si no te importa excluir a los EE.UU.

¿"Ahora"? Éste no es nuevo.

Sorprendería a la mayoría de los americanos/estadounidenses que importe a alguien. ¿Y por qué les importaría? Los continentes no existen excepto como una idea.
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Post by Chris »

Art wrote: "The world"? Sure, if you don't mind excluding the US.

"Now"? This isn't anything new.

Most Americans/Unitedstatians would be shocked that anyone cares. And why should anyone care? Continents don't exist except as an idea.


¿"El mundo"? Vale, si no te importa excluir a los EE.UU.

¿"Ahora"? Éste no es nuevo.

Sorprendería a la mayoría de los americanos/estadounidenses que importe a alguien. ¿Y por qué les importaría? Los continentes no existen excepto como una idea.
I think is important to know how is call and the location of a continent.
But continents is an idea just to know where is located a cuntry. you can say Spain is in Southwest Europe and Europe is in the world, you can say Cuba is in central America. Im just saying where is located in the continent. but in Spain we say there is 5 continents Europa, Asia, Oceanía, Antártida y américa. I dont care if in Americas Have 5 or 6 or 7 continents the important thing is to know where are the continents and the countries
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJfIP3IL2qUcheck this out you´ll find interesting
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Post by Chris »

Se me olvido yo soy Espina por parte de madre y vivo en Oviedo. Según mi abuelo hay muchos espinas en Espinareu y por el oriente de Asturias también.
Yo tengo familia en México DF que se apellidan Espina si alguno lee esto y nos ponemos en contacto.jeje
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Post by Eli »

Art wrote: Most Americans/Unitedstatians would be shocked that anyone cares. And why should anyone care? Continents don't exist except as an idea.


Sorprendería a la mayoría de los americanos/estadounidenses que importe a alguien. ¿Y por qué les importaría? Los continentes no existen excepto como una idea.
The population of the US is 300 million not even 5% of the world’s population, it’s influence on the world however is disproportional relative to it’s size, that’s why most Americans care about what the US attempts to do. If we as Americans don’t speak up and allow United Statesians to do as they will well in Castillian we have a saying ‘El que calla otorga’ if we don’t speak up now it would then become the accepted norm and the United Statesian people would have the right to say “"Now"? This isn't anything new.” While this usage may not be new to UnitedStatesians it is new to most Americans, since we don’t speak English and are not familiar with the nuisances of the United Statesian use of the language when we heard United Statesians say America and American we thought it was a continental reference, not a national one (United Statesian). And so, we never spoke up before, with maybe the exception of some erudite writers. Now that a small minority of bilinguals among us are aware of the context we are speaking up, eventually millions of Americans will learn of it and the United Statesian usage will become unacceptable to most people, I think. This very thread may have made one person aware of it and how the majority of Americans feel about this.


La poblacion de los EE.UU. es 300 millones ni siquiera 5% de la poblacion mundia, su influencia sin embargo es desproporcionadamente grande con respecto al tamaño, es por eso que la mayoria de Americanos nos importa lo que los Estadounidenses pretenden hacer. Si nosotros como Americanos no protestamos ahora y permitimos el atropello Estadounidense pues bien tenemos un dicho que los explica 'El que calla otorga'. Si no protestamos ahora en el futuro este uso se podria convertir en la norma y entonces los Estadounidenses tendrian el derecho de decir "La mayoria de Estadounidenses encuentran sorprendente el que esto le importe a nadie. Y a santo de que les importa? los continentes son simplemente un concepto ideologico" A pesar de que el uso Estadounidense no es algo nuevo para ellos, es algo nuevo para la mayoria de los Americanos. Ya que nosotros no hablamos Ingles y no conocemos las sutilezas del lenguage como lo utilizan los Estadounidenses, cuando los escuchabamos decir Americano o Americanos lo entendiamos como una referencia continental, no una nacional (Estadounidense). Asi que por eso no hubieron mayores protestas en el pasado excepto por algunos eruditos literarios. Ahora que una pequeña minoria de bilingues entre nosotros entendemos el contexto en el que los Estadounidenses usan la palabra comienzan las protestas populares. Eventualmente milliones de Americanos se uniran a la protesta y el uso Estadounidense se convertira en alga inaceptable para la mayoria. Por lo menos eso es lo que me parece. Este telar puede haber hecho el tema conocido a una persona mas, y como la mayoria de Americanos nos sentimos al respecto. La paloma de grano en grano llena el buche.
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Post by Art »

When I wrote "Americans/Unitedstatians" I was trying to indicate that I was speaking of people of the US in a way you would appreciate. Oh, well, that failed!


Cuando escribé "Americans/Unitedstatians" era intentando indicar que hablara de gente en los EE.UU. en una moda que apreciarías. Pues, me fracasó.
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